How do you prefer the pocket clip orientation on your pocket knives?

Jan 7, 2006
I have several knives. On my most expensive pocket knive, a Benchmade Axis folder, I changed the orientation of the clip so that it is away from the blade, meaning that the knife sits in the pocket with its butt sticking out.

However, on my other cheaper knives where I can't change the clip orientation, I'm okay with having the pocket knife sit in my pocket with the blade pivot side sticking up.

I find that I can work with both ways of carry, but not sure if one is definitively better than the other. On the Benchmade I changed it because I didn't want the larger end (the blade pivot side) to stick up out of the pocket. The butt end is smaller and thus less noticeable.
I like TU. I have some low ride Pika clips coming from Benchmade so my knife will not be so exposed.
I am fine with either tip up or down, I tend to like down on wider knives.
Tip up, clip on right side, low ride...out of my pocket, in right hand, thumb opening blade...all in one smooth motion. John
My Military is tip down, I it comes out of my pocket with my thumb on the spydie hole.
I keep mine in a drawer. My BM Stryker just goes in pocket. Wish there was a way to fill the holes, though. If I put the screws in without the clip, it binds the blade.
I have both and carry an all-stainless Delica II every day. It is tip-down, and I've gotten used to that, because it also puts the blade hole up high where I can feel it while drawing the knife.

The main rap I have heard about tip-up carry is that if, for some reason (dirt, lint, etc.) the blade does not completely close, the tip can snag the pocket during the draw, or cut the hand when reaching into the pocket. I've never experienced it, but it seems to make sense.

It depends on the knife really but mostly I personally seem to like tip up carry best. I have as many tip down as I do tip carry folders though. On my hand made folders I make them tip up unless someone just twists my arm and insists on tip down carry.

For me it isn't so much that one way is more comfortable than another to get out of the pocket it is more practical to carry tip up if you have a lanyard on your knife or if the knife you carry has a big sharp tang sticking out or non sharpened serrations going down the spine of the blade that end up being knuckle scrapers in the tip down carry mode. In these situations I just simply prefer to have the blade turned around and tucked into the corner of my pants rather than sticking out there to grab my hand if I'm reaching in my pocket for something other than my knife.

I'm starting to prefer tip up, blade against the pocket seam but it really doesn't matter to much to me.
My two most often EDC'ed are the Para and Dodo, tip/down and tip/up respectively. Since I use both so often, I'm comfortable with either, though I feel like I can get the knife open a little faster with tip/down. One thing I do like about tip/up is that the lanyard hangs out of pocket, pretty nifty :cool:. It seems lke my tip/up knives don't get as much gunk in the locks either.
I'm not really concerned with tip up or tip down, but I do like the knife clip to sit low in my pocket.
I like to take them off and put them in a drawer with the box that the knife came in. At least that's how I 've been doing it ever since I lost my Benchmade 3000s Pardue back in '97, due to letting it stick partially out of the pocket with one of those darn clips holding it in.
I don't mind if the clip it tip up or tip down. I have several Spydies with both orientations and carry them just fine.

I do hate it when too much of the knife sticks out of my pocket, since I have to work around lots of sheeple infected buildings.
I've learned quite a lot from all the responses. It makes me think a bit more about knife orientation now. Thanks.