How Do You Strip Your Becker’s


Gold Member
Mar 9, 2018
Hi all, I’m looking for some guidance.

In the past I’ve stripped the coating off my Becker’s using Jasco spray. I still have a few spray bottles of it in my garage.

Earlier today, I discovered that Jasco’s active ingredient is methylene chloride which is highly carcinogenic and is going to be banned. Obviously, I don’t want to use it and risk exposing myself to anything nasty.

Anybody here use anything safe to do stripping? Has Citristrip worked for anyone?

Thank you!
I’ve tried the Citri strip before. It works ok. Nothing like Kleen strip, where it turned the whole coating into a jelly coating that you could peel off.
I've used Citri Strip and Klean Strip both and got about the same results as others have said. Citri Strip works, but Klean Strip does a much better or "complete" job of it.
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I agree with Klean Strip. I have used Citrus Strip a few times, and while it works okay (more scrubbing) it doesn't work near as good as Klean Strip.

Klean Strip is what I’ve used. Works excellent. I don’t have any at the moment so I’m not sure what the active ingredient is . They sell Klean Strip here in CA . Haven’t seen Jasco for sale in years .
Citristrip for All of my Beckers, except one I left worn/black......
works fine, I'd buy again
Citristrip for All of my Beckers, except one I left worn/black......
works fine, I'd buy again
Crag, what is your methodology? Did you soak them and leave them there for a sustained amount of time? Thank you!

Edit: fixed autocorrect hijinks!
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Crag, what was you methodology? Did you soak them and leave them there for a sustained amount of time? Thank you!
I use brown paper grocery bags. Lay them flat. 2 deep, just in case.
Remove all handles and hardware (unless you want it to remain coated underneath?) I have done it Both ways, some of my Beckers are coated underneath, some aren't. I don't have a preference.....
Gently pour the citristrip over blade part that you want strip....
Cut up a amazon box with favorite knife, use strip of carboard as a spreader/spatula.... cover evenly.

go drink a beer, or watch TV, or enjoy a sandwich.

flip blade, repeat Pour/spread.

Repeat Beer, TV, sandwich..

If you remember to scrape it this evening, great. If you fall asleep in the chair and end up doing it tomorrow morning, that's ok too.
Take a plastic scraper, or something.... (I use a crappy metal cheese spreader we once got as a gift somewhere? to easily scrape/remove the old paint.

The directions probably tell you to use gloves, idk? I don't....
I glop up the mess into the brown paper bags and toss in the trash.

Wash in hot water, maybe use soap?
Dry thoroughly.

Force patina, or let it naturally happen. I have done Both. I now prefer to let it happen Naturally. Forced looks fake.
Go cut some grilled meats.... Chicken and steak make it look pretty, with purples and blues.

Have Fun!!!
I’ve got pics of a stripping job, I’ll see if I can find them this evening.
I use brown paper grocery bags. Lay them flat. 2 deep, just in case.
Remove all handles and hardware (unless you want it to remain coated underneath?) I have done it Both ways, some of my Beckers are coated underneath, some aren't. I don't have a preference.....
Gently pour the citristrip over blade part that you want strip....
Cut up a amazon box with favorite knife, use strip of carboard as a spreader/spatula.... cover evenly.

go drink a beer, or watch TV, or enjoy a sandwich.

flip blade, repeat Pour/spread.

Repeat Beer, TV, sandwich..

If you remember to scrape it this evening, great. If you fall asleep in the chair and end up doing it tomorrow morning, that's ok too.
Take a plastic scraper, or something.... (I use a crappy metal cheese spreader we once got as a gift somewhere? to easily scrape/remove the old paint.

The directions probably tell you to use gloves, idk? I don't....
I glop up the mess into the brown paper bags and toss in the trash.

Wash in hot water, maybe use soap?
Dry thoroughly.

Force patina, or let it naturally happen. I have done Both. I now prefer to let it happen Naturally. Forced looks fake.
Go cut some grilled meats.... Chicken and steak make it look pretty, with purples and blues.

Have Fun!!!
This is great (and fun) info! Thank you!

Final question, any issues with rust? I’m wondering if I submerged my blades for like two days, would they start rusting?
This is great (and fun) info! Thank you!

Final question, any issues with rust? I’m wondering if I submerged my blades for like two days, would they start rusting?
Yes, they will rust..... That is part of the Fun!

In all seriousness, that is why people will force a patina.
If you do that, me personally I just submerge in cheap vinegar for 10 mins. or so it will make it greyer, soak longer if you want. It might have some surface rust from that, don't worry....just wash off, and use.
You arent going to ruin anything..... it's a Becker.

I live in the upper midwest USA, I don't do anything.... maybe very light food grade oil once in awhile (mineral oil) olive oil works in a pinch too

If you live on the ocean beach you might have to oil frequently
Yes, they will rust..... That is part of the Fun!

In all seriousness, that is why people will force a patina.
If you do that, me personally I just submerge in cheap vinegar for 10 mins. or so it will make it greyer, soak longer if you want. It might have some surface rust from that, don't worry....just wash off, and use.
You arent going to ruin anything..... it's a Becker.

I live in the upper midwest USA, I don't do anything.... maybe very light food grade oil once in awhile (mineral oil) olive oil works in a pinch too

If you live on the ocean beach you might have to oil frequently
My apologies for not clarifying, I know the 1095 will rust; I was asking if the Citristrip will rust the metal if I left it submerged for a few days. Thanks again!
My apologies for not clarifying, I know the 1095 will rust; I was asking if the Citristrip will rust the metal if I left it submerged for a few days. Thanks again!
few days?
I would think so, yes...... 6 hours? I don't think so.

Rust is oxidation, and with all the goop covering it, there might not be all that much exposed.

*Don't leave it for a few days though..... That would be one heck of a large sandwich!!!
Not much is safe to use in today’s world. Seems everything can cause cancer.The Klean Strip in gel form like what Dub’s has in his pic above is much safer to use than the spray at least you won’t inhale it. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection . Back when I was stripping my blades I used very little of the stripper, like maybe a tablespoon at the most to strip a 9’er. The steps I did would deepen the etch , outline the scales with a pencil, remove the scales and apply the stripper with a Q-TIP not going past the pencil lines. Less than 5 minutes on a warm day and the coating is pretty much all off. Might have a few tiny spots that need a touch more. What’s nice is the coating is still on under the scales . I’ve seen pics of 91bravo stripping his with the scales left on, plastic and micarta with no harm done to his scales. I never tried that:oops:
Not much is safe to use in today’s world. Seems everything can cause cancer.The Klean Strip in gel form like what Dub’s has in his pic above is much safer to use than the spray at least you won’t inhale it. Wear rubber gloves and eye protection . Back when I was stripping my blades I used very little of the stripper, like maybe a tablespoon at the most to strip a 9’er. The steps I did would deepen the etch , outline the scales with a pencil, remove the scales and apply the stripper with a Q-TIP not going past the pencil lines. Less than 5 minutes on a warm day and the coating is pretty much all off. Might have a few tiny spots that need a touch more. What’s nice is the coating is still on under the scales . I’ve seen pics of 91bravo stripping his with the scales left on, plastic and micarta with no harm done
Those grivory and micarta scales are pretty chemical resistant. The micarta absorbs a little bit, but it’s really superficial and can be scrubbed back to clean micarta again.