How good is sr-101, really?

Speaking of the Busse HT--

I vaguely recall reading somewhere that Busse blades are cooked a bit longer than Rats or Dogs. Or did I just dream that? And if it's true, how much of a difference would it make if you're comparing a Busse SR-101 blade to a Rat or Dog?


If this is true is likely due to INFI having a different HT than SR101. I cant imagine that SR101 would have a different HT just because its a Busse BG product instead of a Swamp product.
SR101 is great. Tough as hell and holds a crazy edge. My experience is that it does rust quick, not that it will effect the knife. My 711 seems to seep rust out of the gouges in the coating. It may be unfair however as there may be a decarb layer that is rusting and if I stripped and satined it my be fine.

On the other hand I've accidentally left satin infi in wet grass over night and the next day or at the bottom of my dish drying rack for a while with no visible marks.

Also there's something weirdly mystical about infi. It almost seams to self heal. I've mashed tips, rolled edges, dulled knives, and kept going. Then I go back later to do some maintenance and it seems fine. Could totally be in my head but whatever.
SR101 is great. Tough as hell and holds a crazy edge. My experience is that it does rust quick, not that it will effect the knife. My 711 seems to seep rust out of the gouges in the coating. It may be unfair however as there may be a decarb layer that is rusting and if I stripped and satined it my be fine.

On the other hand I've accidentally left satin infi in wet grass over night and the next day or at the bottom of my dish drying rack for a while with no visible marks.

Also there's something weirdly mystical about infi. It almost seams to self heal. I've mashed tips, rolled edges, dulled knives, and kept going. Then I go back later to do some maintenance and it seems fine. Could totally be in my head but whatever.

You've seen it too eh?

INFI regenerates ;)
You've seen it too eh?

INFI regenerates ;)

SR101 is great. Tough as hell and holds a crazy edge. My experience is that it does rust quick, not that it will effect the knife. My 711 seems to seep rust out of the gouges in the coating. It may be unfair however as there may be a decarb layer that is rusting and if I stripped and satined it my be fine.

On the other hand I've accidentally left satin infi in wet grass over night and the next day or at the bottom of my dish drying rack for a while with no visible marks.

Also there's something weirdly mystical about infi. It almost seams to self heal. I've mashed tips, rolled edges, dulled knives, and kept going. Then I go back later to do some maintenance and it seems fine. Could totally be in my head but whatever.
Could it be that the secret ingredient is one drop from a T1000 in each blade?
Have to make sure that our blades don't go all Skynet on us.
I have had lots of 1095 knives, I am real surprised at how well my Battle Grade knife (sr-101) stands up to a beating. an how well it holds a usable edge. its not just one of those assumptions in my head, it is a noticeable difference.
I don't have any infi to compare, but SR-101 holds an edge better than most knives I've worked with. For pure edge-holding, it seems to be as good as things like CPM-M4, ELMAX, S35VN... About the only thing that I've had that might be a little better is M390. But those aren't ones you'd want to be chopping with in general. SR-101 is pretty dang impressive.
Now Rob that's just wrong. If they do that there might be international shipping involved.

You all just send it my way for disposal. ;)
Im sure this is covered somewhere, i cant search archives. I apologize.
Any thoughts how SR-101 vs S-30V or S35VN ?
Tougness ?
Edge holding ?
Sharpening ?
I know SR-101 isnt stainless.
I was all about those steels, before i got hooked on Busse's.... now if i could only
bring my self to beat on some of them....

Toughness?....Much tougher. Not in the same class even. I have some custom, thick ground S30V that is pretty tough, but once gross abuse comes in, SR101 will fare much better.
Edge holding?....On par with S30V that is done well, similar to good D2.
Sharpening?....A bit easier to sharpen than either one of those.
Stain resistance?.....I find it to rust very aggressively, more so than just about anything I've used, but no real pitting, just surface marking. My SR101's are all stripped with a rough finish, so a finely polished would probably do much better, but nowhere near S30V or S35VN.
I've been using both considerably for the past eight years.

Truthfully, I cannot discern between the two in edge retention or toughness. Both are among the best I've used in that regard.

The biggest difference between the two is stain resistance. I take my stripped meaner (infi) kayak fishing in the ocean... simply rinse it with tap water afterwards and never had an issue with rust. I wouldn't do that with SR101.

But to answer the question.... it is absolutely one of the best knife steels I've ever used. I'd highly recommend sr101...

I just got both an infi ASH1 and a BG SR101 ASH1. Has anyone else noticed that SR101 is lighter than INFI?
I'm going to guess that INFI is a more dense steel, hence the greater wait
I've got a satin finish, blue G10 scales, Rodent 3. I bought the little beast about 2 years ago. it's been a kitchen knife (and EDC on several days.... One of the best fixed blade EDC in my humble opinion ).

It's tough keeping the satin finish on a SR101 knife. I decided to plunge it in a glass of vinegar. The blade turned a dull grey color. It now has changing stains on it.... Sometimes blue, sometimes black. I recently re sharpened it using a Spyderco sharpmaker. Darn little thing cuts like a bloody laser.

So, basically, SR101 makes for a darn SHARP (stays that way a long time), easy to sharpen, tough as all heck of a knife.... What's not to like?

Oh, yeah! Soooo comfy to carry.... I've got it in a David Brown sheath with a Gclip.
Never took it in the field though. Guess you've got to wipe them down, after every use, to keep them rust free.

The stains look like dark clouds whipping by on a windy day ;)
....and no, I haven't been drinking or using wacky tabacky
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I just got both an infi ASH1 and a BG SR101 ASH1. Has anyone else noticed that SR101 is lighter than INFI?
I'm going to guess that INFI is a more dense steel, hence the greater wait

Not sure I see why a more dense steel would cause delays in production.... :)
This is 3/16" SR101 at about -10c

Seems pretty tough to me. I've beaten the hell out of SR101, and it stands up really well to 98% of any level of extreme abuse that INFI will take. The corrosion factor is overblown too IMHO. Staining will happen, and light surface rust if you're really negligent, but it won't be a useless pile of rust if it's left outside in the rain overnight. It won't be as pretty as it was, but a little wash and scrub , followed with a bit of oil and it will still do knife things like before. The use will probably clean it up more.
The corrosion factor is overblown too IMHO. Staining will happen, and light surface rust if you're really negligent, but it won't be a useless pile of rust if it's left outside in the rain overnight. It won't be as pretty as it was, but a little wash and scrub , followed with a bit of oil and it will still do knife things like before. The use will probably clean it up more.

If "negligent" means not wiping the knife down with oil every night, then sure. I had a rat hunter that rusted by just EDC'ing it in a leather sheath, no use.