How Long Does Tuff Cloth Last?

K Williams

Gold Member
Nov 17, 1998
How does Tuff Cloth last before a new one is needed? I have two that are dried out. How long can I keep restoring it with mineral spirits? It would be nice if Sentry Solutions put some sort of information on their packages regarding this. I don't want to keep using the cloth thinking it is still applying a protective film, when all it's doing is rubbing on mineral spirits.
The cloth itself will last forever. The solution will evaporate quickly. What you need to do is buy a bottle or replacment sentry solution. Just squirt some solution on the cloth everytime u use it. I am still using teh same bottle for 2 years.
I use my applicator bottle to do the pivot and hidden spots on a knife then use the cloth to wipe it all down. That way the excess go onto the cloth. So far it has worked well. :)
I disagree that the cloth lasts forever. Mine has a number of cuts and frays from getting rubbed on the sharp edge of the knife. I don't do this purposefully, but sometimes it just happens when I'm wiping down a blade. Still, the cloth will last a long while if you buy a bottle of Tuff-Glide with it. When the cloth dries out, just re-impregnate it.
Thanks for the info. I just ordered an 8oz. Bottle of Tuff-Glide from Sentry Solutions website.
I gave up on Tuff-Cloth and presently use WD-40 with superior results in regards to rust prevention, it's a bit "smeary" though and doesn't smell as good as the former. But it's much cheaper, especially since the Tuff-Cloth rag dries pretty fast.
I find Tuff Cloth is not so Tuff. Holes & nicks everywhere. A sharp blade + a careless rub = Tuffless Cloth! The smell is pretty Tuff too.

So don't rub the knife blade carelessly. I've had mine for two or three years now -- only recharged it twice, but I've only used it maybe a hundred times, I'm not wiping my blades down every day or anything -- and I haven't managed to cut it noticably yet.
Quiet Storm: I used to use WD 40 also until it was pointed out to me that WD 40 is more of a "cleaning agent" rather than a rust protectant or lubricant. WD 40 does loosen up rusted bolts etc. There has been a lot of this discussion in this forum about this exact subject.

I switched to from WD 40 to Tuf-glide and find it to be more "protective". I do spray the pivots of my folders with WD 40, periodically (to clean out the buildup of dirt / grime) and then blow it out with a compressor. Then I use Tuf-glide to lube it up.
I am still using the original Tuf Cloth I bought 5+ years ago. Being the clumsy sort, I have enough slices in it to make it look like a fishnet stocking:D It doesn't affect the functionality of it one bit! I just keep adding Tuf-Glide to it. It was the storage bag that gave up the ghost for me. I found that over time, small holes developed along the edges, especially in the corners. This lets air circulate and the cloth dries out at a much faster rate. I keep mine in a quality zip-lock sandwich bag and it does just fine. Forever is a long time, and I wouldn't say it will last forever. However I will probably lose it or replace it out of a guilty conscience long before it falls apart.
I'd use CLP before I'd ever use WD-40--for cleaning or lubing. That CLP is good stuff, but I prefer Tuff-Glide on my knives.