How NOT To Shave Arm Hair!!!!!

Jerry Busse

Aug 20, 1999
Be sure to use the correct angle!!!!

I had to stop grinding because my glove started to fill up!!!

Nothin' that a paper towel, a shot of WD-40, and some packing tape couldn't fix. . ..

. . . . Good times. . . .good times. . . .



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Grind now... Bleed later. That's enough horsing around. Back to the grinder. Bleeding is for the weak!

I found your 6X.

Yes, I'm an idiot. But note how close the shave is above the cut!!!

That makes me an idiot who knows how to sharpen a blade. . . just not how to safely shave with one!!!! ;)

What?!? I was sure you would leak CBL :rolleyes:

Didn't you mention "puting a little skin in the game" earlier this evening when talking about the busse collectors club :confused: hmmmm power of sugestion :eek:
For Christ's sake Jerry! You are as bad as I am! Be more careful man! You probably have a tetanus shot in the medicine cabinet at the shop don't you?
I've cut myself with a Basic 9 :rolleyes: . The wife just about killed herself laughing... The cut wasn't at the shaved forearm, but rather the back of my hand when I wasn't watching the tip...:rolleyes: :o :grumpy:

What's a 6X?

I appreciate the way you really put some of yourself into each knife!

Now quit yer whinin' and get back to grinding my Skeleton Key and Pepper Shaker.


Quit bleeding and please remove your arm from the picture...Your covering up a perfectly good knife...;) :D
Ah, that's nothing some super glue won't close up.......we'll get that taken care of and get you a lolly pop....

My Doctors fee is one aviators knife.


Put some superglue on that sucker.... The CBL will make the blood thin and you may bleed out:eek:
Knife makers all like to say they put a little of themselves into each creation. Well Jerry, it looks like you really do put a little of yourself in each creation ;) :D .
Originally posted by Jerry Busse
Nothin' that a paper towel, a shot of WD-40, and some packing tape couldn't fix. . ..

Jerry, not packing tape,.. DUCT TAPE!! It's the answer to everything.
Ask yourself any question, the answer is always DUCT TAPE!! :)
I just made my first homemade sheath out of Duct Tape. I wrapped it around the blade tightly about 6 times. It is so form fitting and secure. Now I just have to figure out how to slide the knife out of it!! :D :D
Jerry, is that my knife on which you're bleeding?? Not to worry, it'll only add more character to it!! :cool: