How old are of forum members?

This was the pre-plane US Air Force.:D

It's the chicken and egg thing. :D

Which came first?:eek: :D


Ah, the new stealth!:D
You do the math... when I joined the Air Force, there were only TWO commands...

"Mount" and "Dismount". :D

An acquaintance of mine pretty much did that. He started in the cavalry on a horse, then transferred to the air corp. He flew P-38's in WWII. After the war he went to work as an aerospace engineer. He was still working as an engineer at 78, which is when I met him. He retired at 80 and now does volunteer work for the sheriff's department.
older than dirt
I only had one birthday that bothered me.
It was turning 29 and realizing that the next year I'd be 30 and I'd have to grow up.
Then, a year passed, and I realized "no, I don't".
I saw a great bumper sticker the other day: "It's never too late to have a happy childhood"! I was fortunate enough to have one and I just can't see turning loose of it unless there's no other choice. I'm old enough to draw SS and my body betrays me more often than not, but I'm still pretty much a kid at heart and hope to feel that way for a good while longer.

Last time I counted the candles on my birthday cake, there were 23 of them. That was almost six years ago.
I had a great childhood, trying for another. 43 and my wife still keeps asking me to grow up.

I think 30 was my most sobering birthday. (cuz I killed a bottle of scotch!)