How old is my new Buck knife?

Feb 20, 2003
I recently went to a old Army and Navy store. I was buying some Buck knives when the owner went to a old metal cabinet with all of his Buck knives that were not out. In the very back of the cabinet was a knife with tape and glue and lots of dust. The handle looked black and I thought it was 300 series knife. He gave me a good price and I bought it. As a knife collector, this kind of find doesn't happen everyday.

After cleaning the knife, it turned out to be a 703. It had the "real" wood and the "B" for Buck on the knife was the old english style "B". Their were no marks after the 703.

I have a knife I bought in 1974 with the old english "B" and my next knife in years was a 1980 and it has a normal "B". I wonder if the knife could be that old, or maybe much newer? Anyone have a clue?


Watch for my article on the history of the 700 series scheduled to be in the June Buck Collector's Club newsletter. If you are not a member, this is a good reason to join the club. The newsletter is filled with educational information about collecting Buck knives.
To briefly answer part of your question, Buck used the old English script tang stamp marking on the 700 series from 1980 when the model 703 debuted (first knife in the series) until about 1984 or 1985 when they began to use block letter stampings. In your post you refer to a knife purchased in 1980 with a "normal" B stamp. I would conclude that this knife is not a 700 series knife or, if it is, your memory is faulty and you purchased it in 1984 - 85 or later.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the reply. I guess the 703 had been in that cabinet for quite awhile. You are correct about the knife I bought in 1980, it was a 305, not a 700 series. My first Buck was a 501 back in 1974. I didn't buy any 700's until they stopped making them. I now have four of the 700 series. I was a Buck member once when I got a knife that had a free membership, I guess I should re-join.

Thanks for dating the knife, about 1980 to 1985. As with all of my Buck's it works perfectly. :)

If you want to re-join the BCCI, search this Forum for a thread titled Buck Collector's Club Inc - there you will find everything you need including a Memersbhip Application.

Welcome Back !!! ;)