How to clean a goose?

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Jul 15, 1999
Hey all the hunting season is apon us again and I need some help! How do you clean a goose? Do you pluck it, skin it, or what? Please help me out. Serious replies only, this isnt a joke. Thanks Geoff
Plucking is the only chance you have at a decent meal. They dry out way to fast if you skin them. It is more trouble to pluck, but it is worth the effort.
I raised geese and ducks and butcherd many.
Obviously the biggest problem is in wetting.
It's isn't like other birds. They ain't easy to get wet. Some outdoor articles will say add a ltttle detergent to the water. Not on something I want to eat. You have to find the right temperature for successful plucking.
Try starting out at around 135- 145. if you overscald the skin tears easier and discolors. Older birds might require hotter or longer scalding. Tearing the skin is always a problem you just have to gain a bit of experience. A pair of pliers helps for the wing tip feathers. Don't forget to remove the oil gland on the back of the tail. Eviscerating in the field will give you a better tasting bird since shot damages internal organs- always lay shot birds on the back for just that reason. Mandatory knife content. " gut hooks on knives don't work well- too short"

[This message has been edited by TomW (edited 27 September 1999).]
I have found that the best way to dress a goose is to accidentally shoot both barrells of a 10 ga mag at them. Does a pretty good job. The pellets are a bit rough to digest though.

Thomas Zinn

As an avid waterfowler allow me to answer. Pluck the feathers off of the entire breast area of the bird. Next pull up the skin/fat along the middle of the breasts and make a small shallow incision. Then insert your fingers into the hole and pull the fat toward the outside of the breast until you have exposed the red meat underneath. Next filet out the breast of the bird on each side. I normally start by cutting down along the breast bone and working around from there. You should end up with two large chunks of goose breast.

This is really quite easy once you do it a time or two.

Let me know how it works for you,

I've done that but found i was left with 2 pieces of meat that was too dry after being cooked. Just a matter of taste i guess. Cooking waterfowl properly has always been a matter of controlling the fat to make a moist but not greasy piece of meat. I never learned to do that with filets. Roasting has always been my preferred method. Pass along a recipe or 2 i'd like to give your way a try. Should be useful for a damaged bird not fit for roasting.
This post needs to be in the community center guys. Let's try to keep the cross posting in check.


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