How to Ferrule questions.

Jul 8, 2001
When you guys put a ferrule behind the guard (copper, brass, N/S, whatever) do you sodder it to the guard or just fit and glue when you place the handle ? Also can you take N/S sheeting ,say .025 -.030 bend it round and silver sodder it, and it be strong enough for a ferrule? Just curious, I can find copper, brass and stainless tubing but no N/S.


When I do a furrel on a wire wrapped dagger handle, I use copper or phos bronze sheet and silver solder it together. I make the furrel a little small (about 1mm small in circumference)so I get a slight press fit on the wire wrap. Then I soft solder the furrel to the wrie wrap. That is how I learned it from Dr. Hrisoulas' video.
I think it should be plenty strong by using the high temp silver solder.

I got some 0.021 nikel silver sheet from McMurray Metals in Texas. Ragnoor turned me on to them and they were great to deal with. Here is their link:


Hope this helps.
You can form your ferrule from any of the above mentioned materials including steel.Just form it to the shape you want and silver braze it,Some will be easier to make in two halves and braze together .I always cut into my handle material the thickness of the ferrule material and at least half the length of the ferrule or more (more preferred)this will help hold the handle together in case of a crack.You can make them smaller than the material and have a old world look to the handle.You don't have to have the handle material inside the ferrule,just fill it with epoxy,but this is harder to get lined up.This last way is also a good way to use that perfect piece of domestic stag that is a little short as a handle by itself,thus by adding the ferrule to the front will make it usable like spacers of other materials..The tubing does work great and has no solder joint to show eother.