How to rewet rubbing compound?

Walking Man

May 28, 2003
Hello, everyone. I've had some Turtle Wax rubbing compound sitting around a while and it's drying up and getting pasty. I'd like to see if anyone know if there is something I can add to moisten it.
Thanks, all advice is greatly appreciated.
Believe it or not that is all I've ever added and it seems to have worked fine.
I just add a few drops at a time on the surface and sort of work it in until the surface texture just feels right. I don't try to stir the whole batch, just wet the compound at the top of the can and work it in gently. I have done that many times over the years and have had and used the same can of compound for what seems like forever. I bet that can is older than any high school student in the US.
I've managed to mostly ressurect a hard dried container of the stuff by putting a bit of water in and putting the lid back on, took a while, yours should be way easier.
Most of the rubbing compounds contain water and this is fine for "re-wetting".
Rubbing compound is just a "grit" with a vehicle (oil, wax, water) to carry it to the work.
Jewelers rouge for example is a very fine grit sanding agent with wax as it's "agent".
There was another thread here about the green paste sold somewhere.
Same thing just faster cutting than red rouge and thinner (a paste rather than stick) which would better suited to adding to something not spinning at 7200 rpm.
Dampen a small sponge, put it in the can and seal the lid. In a few days your compound will be soft. Leave a small amount of water in the sponge to keep the compound soft.