• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

    User Name
    Serial number request

How to win th ghurki on the startup page?

Is there something we have to enter or something? Or are people just picked because Mike and Spark like them?
Nope. You are entered by virtue of being an active member. The drawing is random.


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
Same story every month.

At midnight on the 31st/1st we ask for a number.

Numbers submitted before midnight don't count.

The number submitted is compared to the member file it corresponds to. If that person has posted to the forums, they get the knife. If they have 0 posts, they don't win anything and we move on to the next number submitted.

Doesn't matter if you submit your number 1st, last or in the middle, chances are you aren't picking yourself.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com

Insert witty quip here

I work my computer in the Office. It is from 8-10 hours after midnight until I can usually log on. The number has ususally been picked by the time I get there.

Just my luck.



"Cet animal est tres mechant;quand on l'attaque il se defend."("This animal is very mischievous: when it is attacked it defends itself")
The number submitted is compared to the member file it corresponds to. If that person has posted to the forums, they get the knife. If they have 0 posts, they don't win anything and we move on to the next number submitted.

So, you don't have to submit a number to have a chance to win. You just have to have posted during that month. Correct?

That is the way I always thought it went, and that is the way the message reads, but just want to make sure.

Work hard, play hard, live long.

You are correct Outlaw_Dogboy.

Simple, it pays to post!
Also it does not matter when you have posted. Just as long as you have posted at least once since becomming a member.

I will change the rules as time goes by to make it a post whithin a specified time frame like the previous 3 months or something to that effect. This way I do not pick a winner that has not posted in a year or so and has moved on. I think that is fair.

Best Regards,
Mike Turber
BladeForums Site Owner and Administrator
Do it! Do it right! Do it right NOW!
