Howling Rat Sheath?

Oct 28, 2005
I'm thinking about getting myself a Howling Rat for EDC purposes. The big question on my mind is what kind of sheath to get for it. I want to carry with discretion, and am therefore leaning towards an IWB sheath.

One of my thoughts was to call up Dwayne and have him cook up a cover sheath for me, so I only have half the handle sticking out above my pants. I have three concerns about this approach. I'm worried that it won't be comfortable when I'm sitting, that the leather will be adversely affected by heat and perspiration, and that the wrong person might think that I've got a snub-nosed revolver shoved down my pants.

The alternative is to get a kydex sheath. The only downside to the kydex is that I'll end up with a lot more handle showing, and I'm concerned that sheeple will react.

If you were in my shoes, what would you do?
The BADASS from Dwayne is a winner for me. I like it's versatility in carry. Horizontal or vertical. Just my $.02.
Who makes the sheath that comes with the HR? Anyone know?
The Howling Rat is an amazing blade! You will NOT be disappointed. :thumbup:

I have not worn an IWB sheath (almost have one on order) but I would tend to lean toward leather for this, simply because I would imagine that leather is more comfortable for continuous wear. Plus, I know that Dwayne does stellar work.

One thing that comes to mind as you describe what you want from your sheath is that if your sheath is concealed to that extent, you may have difficulty re-sheathing after use.

Good luck on your choice, bro! And if I haven't already done so, welcome to the Rat forum! :D