How's every one doin?

Feb 12, 2000
Just thought I'd check in to see how the forumites are doing.
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile I've been takeing care of a broken right hand. They took me off of my normal job and put me in the guard shack and added a extra day of work. No more 3 day weekends for awhile.
The cast has been removed and I'm wearing a brace. I'll be really glad when it is totally healed.
It's nice to see a few UBDOTD's again.
God Bless.
I haven't been on this forum too long. Are you aware of the fact that we don't hear anything from Yvsa now. There was a pretty bad misunderstanding on one of the threads and we haven't heard much from him since.

I am going to e-mail Yvsa and see how long he figures to stay away. Also I am shutting this down now. I don't want to get another mess started on this thread.:cool:
Glad to see you back, Terry, and I hope the hand gets back in top shape soon. Next time attack the concrete driveway with a khukuri. It's more fun and doesn't hurt as much.

I hope to see Yvsa back, too, when he finishes his current projects. Somewhere he said he knew that I would do the right thing and according to my own belief system and code of ethics, I did.

But not everybody believes, thinks and operates like I do.
Hi Terry! Good to hear from you! How is the wife and kids doing?
You need to take it a little easier Bro! With your calf and now the hand!!:( Well as long as your having fun....take care and if you ever start doing custom work let me know!:) Stay well! :)
I broke three bones on the back of my hand once. I was hiking in the redwoods and came across what was left of a drifters camp. There was a plastic milk box, the kind with all those warnings against theft printed on the side. I carried it along with me, intertwining my fingers through the grates. A log broke beneath my feet and I traveled down 9 inches or so. There wasn't time to react and when the milk crate stopped suddenly on the log my hand broke. Must have hit just right. A real martial-art milk crate. So I carried the thing many more miles through the woods till I came to the coast. I was following a stream, and wanted to see where it came out. The broken hand was not important enough to stop and turn back for, but you have to wonder about a 20 year old kid carrying a milk crate though the woods. Gee, all college kids prized milk crates. We were a smart bunch.
