How's the Urban Raven coming along?

Sep 1, 2002
Thought I remember you saying Jan. for production. Will this one be available soon? Thanks....
I'm not sure, but I think Buffalo Dundee is at a show right now.
I knew somebody must know something, but never thought Nobody would respond. :) Thanks for the info.....
Yep, I was at the Las Vegas Classice show. A good time was had by all! :)

I am hoping within 30 days from now I will have the first run of the Urban Ravens for sale, as always, running a few weeks behind.

Buffalo Dundee! LMAO! :D
Welcome back Rob,

Glad to have ya back in the real world. Thanks for the loan of the brown worked great. I will be buy in a few days ( hopefully ) to buy some stuff.

I saw and handled one in Vegas and it really is a sweet knife. Perfect size for many, and equally useful in the streets, in the field or on a hunt. Definitely a winner.
Yep Jerry is right.. Thats a SWEET design! I know I am getting one of the VERY first ones too, right Rob???;) :p
Hey Lizardking... Lil Trace will get one, or I will never hear the end of it dont worry bud..;)
He and his buddy Dave are patiently waiting for thier Buck Strider folders too! THESE kids are SERIOUS about thier cutlery...HA!!
Hey Rob, is the blade shape of the Urban going to be the same as the full-sized Raven? CF-patterned concealex sheath? My Crowfoot needs a big brother :D .
Sorry for the absence guys. The Urban Raven Mid-Techs are in heat treat at Paul Bos's shop, or inbound there. The handles are being digitized and programed this week. The sheaths will be from Normark of On Scene Tactical. I need a production version beofre I can get sheaths. Eric will get the first one or two so he can get on the sheaths. They will be plain black Concealex.

Lizard, no, the price wont be at $200 anymore, $199! :D