hug a tree or travel?

Jul 31, 2002
I read an article in Backpacker Magazine (?) a while back about lost hikers who made it back despite the odds. It seems the best thing they did was "rescue" themselves by finding their own way out rather than sitting tight, which is what I was always taught (hug a tree).

Does anyone have any information, especially statistics, about which philosophy is actually more productive?

If someone is looking for you, or you have no idea which direction to head, stay put and make yourself comfortable... build shelter and make preperations in case your wail will be long.

Assuming you have a good idea which way to head, and/or no one knows you're out there, stretch your legs, cause you're going for a walk.

Bottom line is that you need to assess your situation and decide what your best option will be. Everything judged on an individual basis.