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HUNTED - Knife scenes

Jul 26, 2000
Comments on the Sayoc Kali choreographed knife scenes, from AICN - an online film review site.

"The knife fights in this movie are so brutal, hell, all combat in this film, of any typeŠ it is so uncompromising that after the film, some folks were wondering out loud how some scenes of extreme violence got past the MPAA. The film is complicated on several levels and forces the audience to wonder about many items left unresolved on purpose. This film will make you flinch in your seat. Friedkin1s fight sequences in this film are so visceral and fast, clear and intense that you may find yourself going, "Oh F**K, oooowww, S**T , S**T , OUCH, Oh Man Oh Man!"

You might even have your fingers in front of your eyes and peering back at the screen through the cracks between. You have been warned. You've never seen knife fights like thisŠ Don't think WEST SIDE STORY, think about striping and cleaning a deer. "


" It is far more intense than I think you may be expecting, though not so much in a gory fashion, but in a kinetic way brought on by brutal editing and sound mixing. And yes, a knife is shown to be as brutal as a knife could ever be. "

from another review on AICN:

"This movie, simply put, just kicks unholy a$$. It is a non-stop, relentless assault of tension, action and bad a$$ed knife fights. This is one of those films that truly pays off"

Sayoc Kali
"Not the Past but the Future"
I was hoping for it to be that good!
I will see it this weekend!
Can't wait!
This reviewer didn't give it the highest marks (3 out of 4 stars) but of course, we are only concerned about the knife fights... heh.

"The strength of the picture is in the rude, blunt physicality of its fight sequences (particularly its final showdown that should endure as one of the bloodiest onscreen knife fights in history) "
Walter Chaw- Film Freak Central

This reviewer didn't give it the highest marks (3 out of 4 stars) but of course, we are only concerned about the knife fights... heh.

"The strength of the picture is in the rude, blunt physicality of its fight sequences (particularly its final showdown that should endure as one of the bloodiest onscreen knife fights in history) "
Walter Chaw- Film Freak Central

I saw the movie last night and I must say it is excelent. the blood effects are well done and the knife fighting looks absolutely real. I don't remember exactly who was in on the choreographing, but my hat goes off to them.
A Great Movie!
i have read from several sources that the choreography is from SAYOC KALI.

i think the big names are Tom Kier and Rafael Kayanan, they did the knifework instruction here based on their understanding of knifework as taught in their system.

i thought it was awesome, but, again, that knife was soooo ugly, lol.

i think he should have used some kind of a dagger.

cool fight scenes, i'm going to see it again!

maybe i'll add some sayoc training to my ninja skills, and improve all my skills!

yah, I remember hearing that was the system used, but forgot the names of the individuals.

I sat through the whole movie saying to myself "hey, I saw that move on the net last ***(being the last time period I saw it:))" the only part of the knife use I was sketchy on was the non-rotational throws, that was just kind of silly.
Great scenes!

I liked the multiple shots of the 9 (?) knife angles. I enjoyed the blood trick. There was a brief shot of wound management. My favorite scene was the first hand to hand exchange between Benicio and Tommy Lee. Tommy Lee moved FAST!

Congratulations to Mr Kier and Mr Kayanan! (I did not get up from my seat till their names rolled in the credits)

What other knife info did you notice?

KA-BAR Next Generation(a real one and the trainers the specops guys were using)

Flint-napped knife

Rough hand forged knife
Oh yeah..... Tommy Lee forging a blade during training and then flintknapping a stone blade...
