hunting with a folder

Cleanup is why I think no folder is as good as a fixed blade at cleaning/dressing game. Also if you love knives you will be shocked at how much better heavy duty scissors called game shears do certain game cleaning jobs. Like snipping ribs and cutting wings, and feet off birds. A knife needs a surface to press against to cut them. A game shears does not. But cleaning fat and gunk from folders takes more time than dressing out the animal. Fixed blades just get washed off. In fact in the field I just use a handi-wipe to clean the blade off before going back into the sheath. That way your sheath is not all full o gunk.
I am an AVID grouse hunter and NEVER use a knife to clean the birds I take!!

Try this....lay bird down on back,spread wings...stand on wings where they meet body....hold both feet in hands in pull up,all that is left is beast meat with wings attached.

Returning to camp use SHEARS to clip wings off at time involved in cleaning a dozen birds.....less than five minutes!!!

I would carry shears and complete process in the field, but need to leave wings attached as spruce grouse are protected where I hunt and wings attached prove species as ruffed grouse if stopped by game warden.


There is really no trick to it......just be sure to place your feet as close to the body as possible and if need be place forearms on knees if more leveage is GREAT.

BTW where are you hunting to take this number of birds ?????

Glad to hear that the Mach one worked out so well for you! It is a really great knife.
Hehehe, I thought you meant you were using a folder to actually chase down and kill game animals with. It really is fun, and more challenging, though I don't use a folder much anymore since I've gotten some proper big knives.
Ditto what grouse hunter said. Main thing you need are game shears for clipping bones/wings.