I am on the ROAD !!!!!!

Sep 26, 1999
I am finally getting to pull out of Salem.It is 6:30 here(a little later than I wanted to leave).I will see everybody I can on the way HOME.But I can't wait to get home to my Three ladies.I am crossing my fingers that I have no vehicle troubles or get lost:eek:
Check in as soon as I can.

"Donna I am coming home":D :cool: :D
Thought you were leaving yesterday. I was so sore from working on that porch I didn't get in the shop till after 7 last night.

Keep us posted on your progress back home....Ray
if you come through Tulsa OK 918 245 8460

we'll feed you, and put you up for the night.:D
Guess what guys.I made it just outside of Salem this morning and the #@#$#@ Transmission in the truck went out.:( :grumpy: :(
Was ready just to fly home,but the flights are over 2 grand now,What is with that.It was only $411.00round tripwhen we came up here,now a round trip (which is cheaper) costs so much:confused::confused:
Guess I will unload the car some to lighten it's load let my cousin have the truck and just let him do what he wants with the stuff we had saved and just drive the car home...
I am really getting tired of all this mess.Seems like every time I turn around something is stopping me from getting back to Donna and the girls.But I will make it.I may not stop as much as I wanted to either as I may just drive straight through if I can hold up to it.I just want to get home:grumpy:
You can ship the loaded truck by vehicle transport, for about $600.00. Those old Chevys are worth some $$. just a thought.
Bruce, I feel for you.... What a pain and mostly all for not, I'm sure they are wanting a pretty penny to fix the trans and no telling if something else will go wrong with it. I'll keep you in my thoughts for the rest of the way home. Wish there was something I could do for you.......Ray
Thanks guys.I have checked all ways to get around this and have decided to let my cousin have thetruckand just drive the car home.

Ray,you have done more than enough what with the camper shell and new trailer hitch which worked great by the way,and new coat.Icouldn't repay you enough for the help you have given me.

Got to get things situated and moved around in the car so I can pullout either tonight or in the morning.

Let me know what you need. A guy that's had to go thru what you've been thru this week deserves all the favors he can get.

Steve, I know Bruce wouldn't ask but I know he wishes Donna could meet him somewhere down the road, maybe California. I know he'd really like that....:D
Just keep the homecoming in mind and you'll be fine :)
You won't get lost if you follow your nose to the biscuits and gravy!
Be safe,
Just be safe man, we and your girls all want you back safe and sound! Don't get in too big a hurry, everyone will be home when you get there and it's a really beautiful country you're driving through... Just hand out and be cool, it'll be a fantastic trip.

Bruce, sorry to hear of the bad luck my friend. Put that picture of Donna on the dash and drive the car home. Someday you will look back on this adventure and laugh. What a character building trip you are having.

Bruce B
Bruce -
Good luck to you! Make sure you get a little shut-eye & not while your're driving! Get home safe.
OI!!! I just saw this!! Hey, Bro, I can feel for the need to see the woman (did the same thing myself--New York to Texas in about 26 rough hours!! :yawn: ), but if you DO get shagged out and need a place to crash, you're still welcome! Give us a quick ring to let me know where you are, and we'll get you to a hot meal and a warm bed.

It may not have Donna in it, but I'm sure she'd rather have you back a day late, in one piece... ;)

Dange Bruce, sorry to hear about the truck and your bad luck. Wish there was something I could do.

Good luck
Thanks Guys..I have the car unloaded then reloaded so it isn't as heavey,I will try again in the morning.Hope to be at steve's by tomorrow evening.
Boy what a day.Donna said for me to not push it but get home safely and soon because she misses me as much as I miss her and the girls.
HeyBump how did you know what I did.I had Donna's picture taped on the glove box of the truck when I left this morning.And I will have her beside me on the dash of the car when I leave in the morning.
Better try and get some sleep so I can get a early start out .
Lets hope my luck is better this time.
So Bruce, are you dangling a picture of Donna out in front of you like you would a carrot infront of a horse. I hope that works. Keep us updated on where your at....Ray