Hi, Russ. It is that and it has been a real learning experience as well. A friend sat me down and explained to me just how good a deal that I got on the Roman Riding Sword from Patrick Barta at TEMPL because I was judging the dagger against it. His point was that I got what was essentially a very expensive custom sword for $240 + shipping, a total of $290. By that, he meant that the level of workmanship and detailing was far beyond what he had expected when he and I had discussed my ordering it. His thought was that even at $340 + shipping, it is still one Hell of a buy, so the $214.90 that I paid Art Elwell for the dagger got me a very nice one for the price, but not a steal as was the case with the TEMPL sword. I had been spoiled and I needed to be brought down to earth.