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I Didn't Know - Howard Wallace

Jul 31, 2002
Spot checking another forum, I visit occasionally, I stumbled onto a post identifying Howard's Home Page Website.

Howard doesn't brag about it, but a pretty good site!

Howard has contributed some good pics and info the the HI FAQ page, an outstanding compilation of Khukuri Information by John Powell.

Great page and info Howard. Got to know you a bit better.

Howard Wallace's Homepage


Edited to give proper credit due to a little mental mixup on my part.
Howard is one of the good guys and was able to spend some time in Nepal before the place went to hell.
Thanks lcs.

I've also found people on the forum are not always what they appear. I've been very impressed with those I've been able to get to know.

Some people have some personal information in their profile. You can access it with the profile button beneath each post. Sometimes that is a good way to get a little better idea of who is posting. I have a link to my website there in my profile, where it is unobtrusive, but people can see it if they wish.

I would be interested in knowing the reference that pointed you to my website. Would you be so kind as to e-mail it to me at howardw@tx3.com?
I haven't seen all of your site but, I have it bookmarked and will be back to it and check it more thoroughly. Just the few minutes that I was there was pretty nice. Thank you for sharing with us.

You were one of Rickover's fellows? I've worked with a few. Impressive guys.

I came to health physics via a different route though.
Nice site Howard:) I enjoyed getting to know you better. I think I fill in my profile better so folks will be able to get a better sense of who I am. Hmmm, maybe that's not a good idea;):D
Originally posted by Howard Wallace

You were one of Rickover's fellows? I've worked with a few. Impressive guys.

I came to health physics via a different route though.

Yeah, I spent a few years as a civilian HP working for the Navy after I got off the boats. Then we won the cold war and my services were no longer needed. :rolleyes: