I gave in

Dec 13, 2006
Well in recent days I had convinced myself I wanted a Japanese knife with VG-10 steel.. Something kind of "refined" in appearance that could still be used.

But then after work today I went to the Sportsman's Warehouse and browsed there knife selection (quite good BTW). Benchmades, Smith & Wesson, Case, Cold Steel, NRA, Buck, etc.

And I came across a Pathfinder. But it was too big for my liking...just by a tad.

As I turned to leave thinking I will have to spend $150-200 on a Jap knife...I saw The Buck Woodsman!

I got it! :) Woodsman with Cocobola handle. I am really happy with it. JUST the right size for my preference and EDC. I am usualy NOT a fan of the gold color...but on the knife the brass/gold colored guard and pommel look amazing. The sheath is really impressive too for the money.

Payed less than what I've seen online as well! $57 total.


Question: Is the plastic lining/insert supposed to stay in the sheath?
...The guys in here aren't ignorin' ya there R2D2...:eek: ....errrrrr...I mean 4W4K3...I'm sure they're just recuperatin' from the strenuous postin' they were all doing earlier...I'm not a "fixed blade" expert like so many of the guys are in here but my initial impression would be to leave the sleeve in there. As it matures and seeks out it's own independence I'm sure the sleeve may decide to get outa the sheath all by itself. Until then I'd take advantage of whatever protection it adds to the life of the leather...JMHO... ( I will NOT do fixed blades...I will NOT do fixed blades...I will NOT do fixed blades ):D :D :thumbup:
Well this is my first real fixed blade knife. Definetly pleased with it so far. I'm going to leave the sleeve in there for now as it seems to make the leather sheath less collapsable. I'm sure after a while it will start to fold though.

I can't get over the Cocobola handle either, the grain pattern is really nice.


In the pics it looks like the brass is all scratched up, but I took a rag to it and it shined up really well. I guess they are just very small surface defects, and the flash intensified them.

EDIT: The flash also makes the wood appear orangey. It's actually alot darker. Especially the center of the handle.
...That is a beauty...The brass will polish up well for you in the future as well. I use Neverdull for the brass and it's great stuff. I also use Ceramabrite when I can steal it away from the wife. She uses it for the ceramic top on the kitchen stove...I think you'll love that knife C3P0...oops...I meant 4W4K3...I gota bit of dyslexia and chronic dumbitis this late at night sometimes...LOL...Welcome to the forum by the way...:D :p
lmao. the thing that cracks me up is...I jsut got done watching "Star Wars: A New Hope" :p
Congrats on the new Buck...

I also have the Hi Res problems sometimes with the small scratches that you can't otherwise see. Least a casual glance.

You will get use to adjusting the resolution depending on what you are taking pics of.

And yes,,, welcome to the Buck Forum. You are now offically addicted...:thumbup: :D
lmao. the thing that cracks me up is...I jsut got done watching "Star Wars: A New Hope" :p

...This is a great forum and the people in it are even better. There's no lack of knowledge on Buck knives and knives in general in here. We have folks like me who sit around and see what the guys who really know what's going on with Bucks are saying and we have guys who have been collecting Bucks for years and years and who know so much they could and should write books on Bucks. Some of them have. We have knifemakers in here and we have "tinkerers" in here. We're all here because we love Bucks...Just be forewarned...that will NOT be your last Buck...:D
Definetly not my first either :)

I have a Buck Prince 503 that has been taking alot of abuse lately. Dented up the blade edge and snapped the tip. The wood scales are starting to fade and the bolsters have definetly seen better days. But it still opens/closes like it should, no blade play or anything!

Thanks all for the warm welcome. I definetly love this forum already, alot of great people.
Nice knife!! I think you will like it!. Leave the plastic insert in there. Its to prevent the point from going through the leather. It will not collapse either.
(well mine hasnt yet anyway :D ) Its been around some years :D
Good luck - we look forward to a review of it ;)
There was a thread quite awhile ago where someone asked if the handles on these are actually cocobolo. I could be wrong, but I believe it was stated that the wood is laminated birch. (dyed) Maybe Joe or someone who knows for sure will chime in. BTW, nice knife.
lmao. the thing that cracks me up is...I jsut got done watching "Star Wars: A New Hope" :p

Yeah, that Chewbuttka Darryl is a hoot. The R2D2 thing had me spitting up my breakfast beer.

The 102BR was my first FB Buck. I have lamented here how I regret tossing out the box. It was dated 10/31/2005...I remember it looking sadly at me from the garbage can.

I used to collect only 110 until I got my mits on that 102BR. It had me at "hello".

Keep the insert in.
I could be wrong, but I believe it was stated that the wood is laminated birch. (dyed) Maybe Joe or someone who knows for sure will chime in. BTW, nice knife.

:thumbup: Birch. The new ones anyway :D
Still an awesome, beautiful knife!!
I love my 119BR's and 103's also!
Huh, that's good to know. I read you can become allergic to Cobobola if you inhaled the dust too much.

Got it on my belt now :) Gonna take it out with me tonight and see what feels best as far as carrying positions and what not.
Yeah, that Chewbuttka Darryl is a hoot. The R2D2 thing had me spitting up my breakfast beer.
The 102BR was my first FB Buck. I have lamented here how I regret tossing out the box. It was dated 10/31/2005...I remember it looking sadly at me from the garbage can.
I used to collect only 110 until I got my mits on that 102BR. It had me at "hello".

yea i was not sure here on the forum when i frist posted but all you guys here had me at hello i dont do fixed baldes jest 110's and i am seeking treatment for the fixed monkey...
jest one tens
but that brass does look good ... yes real goooo....
Well C3PO here is the skinny on impregnated birch. It all starts with a boy tree and a girl tree...er...no that's another story.

I did get to visit the plant where they make the stuff. It begins just like plywood, by cutting these birch huge logs into full round sections and steaming them. Then the steaming sections are loaded onto a giant lathe and spun faster then a Y wing fighter with only one engine. As it spins up to speed an edge is brought into contact with the wood and a thin veneer shoots away from the spinning log like unrolling tissue paper. It was so cool to watch as the logs went from 36" in diameter to nothing in a few seconds.

They cut the veneer into sections and then do a visual scan on the sections to cut out and replace knots etc.

The sections are stacked in a vacuum chamber, have a vacuum applied into the chamber and then they flood it with molten Resin. The resin fills every nook and cranny. They dye the resin whatever color we ask for. The wood is impervious to water and heat (compared to untreated wood) and still retains the woodgrained look.

Next the sections are loaded into a press where heat and pressure are applied. The resin remelts and welds the layers together. You can create patters in the wood just like stacking washers on a handle. They can make very unnatural looking paterns in reds, greens. purples etc but we prefer the natural colors and black.

The 102 was my first knife at the age of 12 or so. Wish I still had it. I remember still having it in high school but have no clue whatever happened to it.

Welcome to the forums...
Thanks for that info! Neat little tidbits!!!!
The 102 was also my first buck at 12 or so, I no longer have mine either :(