I heard that the disovery channel was going to be here tonight.

Apr 23, 2002
They want feeding frenzy images that are more frightening and graphic than the shark videos that they have been rerunning for years...:D
Originally posted by Eric Isaacson
"Next week on the Discovery Channel.....HOG Week" ;):D:D

Yeah, and we're not talking about Daytona Bike Week or the West Virginia State Beauty Pageant, either.

This might be ugly... :D
It will probably be followed up by a Fox Special "When HOG's Attack" ;):D:D

Can you imagine the interview Jerry would give for that special :D:D
I can see it now….

“Note the muscular index finger. This comes from hitting the refresh key once every 5 seconds over the course of the 4 hour feeding frenzy. The eyes, unblinking are glued to the monitor. If you listen closely you can hear the murmer or possibly the mating call of the HOG… INFIINFIINFIINFIINFIINFIINFI…”
He might get to market a new item. They use pepper spray for bears. He probably has pressurized canisters of INFI dust to confuse our senses....
Well, I'm here anyway, by jimeny.....
Let's start something and let it get out of hand....
I heard that Fox was going to have another show called "The Best HOG chases of all time"

The entire show would be filmed from a UPS or USPS truck as they randomly passed by HOG's houses and watched them run out the door and down the street after them. The preview I saw had a man running out of his house with nothing but a towel around his waste and a bird on his shoulder. He chased the truck for nearly 3 blocks before he lost the towel. I saw what was occuring and switched the channel as quickly as possible but that image is still burned into my retinas.

:p :p :p ;)

(the above description is entirely fictional and any resemblance that it has to anyone living or dead is entirely by coincidence)
Originally posted by Eric Isaacson
I heard that Fox was going to have another show called "The Best HOG chases of all time"

The entire show would be filmed from a UPS or USPS truck as they randomly passed by HOG's houses and watched them run out the door and down the street after them. The preview I saw had a man running out of his house with nothing but a towel around his waste and a bird on his shoulder. He chased the truck for nearly 3 blocks before he lost the towel. I saw what was occuring and switched the channel as quickly as possible but that image is still burned into my retinas.

:p :p :p ;)

(the above description is entirely fictional and any resemblance that it has to anyone living or dead is entirely by coincidence)

Why do the guilty ALWAYS deny with a disclaimer? Fess up, Eric, we all know it was YOU!!!!

:eek: :p :D
Originally posted by swede79
Why do the guilty ALWAYS deny with a disclaimer? Fess up, Eric, we all know it was YOU!!!!

I only know one HOG that owns a bird and it's not me :p :eek:

Did the Bird look like this
The Horror..The Horror!!! :eek:

After all the therapy sessions I thought I'd removed that image from my memory....now they've ALL flashed back to me. The nightmares will probably start again too....

Please don't post a picture of the towel next....that might cause the convulsions to start again

:p ;)