I keep losing my knives

Jun 22, 2020
So, I lost my Viper Berus 1.

I bought Mini Tac Tanto for replacement and forked out 20€ more for custom kydex from dude that usually makes sheaths for guns. It's amazing carry now, despite being fairly inexpensive, and yeah, it may not be M390 steel, but AUS8 gets the job done.

Now I can't find my ESEE3 for a few days now. I took it to forest last week and I don't remember seeing it since.
It has orange handle so it shouldn't be hard to find - I went the same route and could not find it, and it's not anywhere at home either.

I also lost urban pal push dagger, probably somewhere in my backyard and I simply cannot find it, since it's all muddy outside I'm scared it already sunk in ground, especially if someone stepped on it...

I don't know what to do, they just keep disappearing.

Did you ever lose a knife? Where did you find it if you eventually did?

Losing 3 knives in short period of time is frustrating.
Are You Me?

I start looking through pants pockets. Next, couch cushions. Then, car seat creases.

then the washing machine.

Then call the in laws. have them do the same.
I don't have a car, girl I'm seeing already checked her car.

Sofa, and pockets are already checked, I can try to watch in washing machine but I imagine a knife like ESEE3 would probably be heard if it's there
I never lost anything in the past, but I'd hate to even think that someone from my family would steal from me.

We all would, but it happens more often than most people can imagine. We all want to believe that my (friend, family, spouse, child, parent, neighbor, co-worker, etc.) won't steal from us, but it happens everyday, everywhere.

I'm not accusing anyone - and neither should you! Just be more aware, remember where you put something (write it down if you have to) and ensure that you know who have access to that area where it is left.
We all would, but it happens more often than most people can imagine. We all want to believe that my (friend, family, spouse, child, parent, neighbor, co-worker, etc.) won't steal from us, but it happens everyday, everywhere.

I'm not accusing anyone - and neither should you! Just be more aware, remember where you put something (write it down if you have to) and ensure that you know who have access to that area where it is left.
I keep my use knives under my desk. Only knives I hide on another place are Warcraft Tanto, SP-35 and Drop Forged Boot Knife.

Only knife that's under my desk and didn't disappear so far is LionSteel M5 that I got recently.
I carry knives for over 2 years now, never lost a thing... until last month and half.

Even at summer when doing sports, or drinking or going for BBQ and whatnot...
My knives all lead active and happy lives:
Cutting stuff
Getting dropped
Cutting stuff
Getting filled with gunk
Cutting me...
Getting sharpened

None of them have ever seen the inside of my safe, and they're much the better off; for missing it!
I keep all my knives in my large 3 drawer tool box, that locks if I ever need it to, but I don’t so it’s just an easy place to have them. Occasionally I’ll leave one in a pants pocket or on my desk, but again, not hard to track down.

I think stealing may be too harsh of a word, but theres always a chance someone in the home will use or admire a knife without asking. I used to do this with my dads knives when I was a kid. Never intending to take and not return. If this is a possibility, just ask anyone if they’ve seen it or if they can help you find it. This will cue them into the fact that you noticed it was missing, you’re looking for it, and it’s important to you.

I’d caution against serious punishment or severely scolding a child for this, as it would likely just encourage them to continue to be secretive about their curiosity, instead of an opportunity to engage them in a mutual interest.
I keep all my knives in my large 3 drawer tool box, that locks if I ever need it to, but I don’t so it’s just an easy place to have them. Occasionally I’ll leave one in a pants pocket or on my desk, but again, not hard to track down.

I think stealing may be too harsh of a word, but theres always a chance someone in the home will use or admire a knife without asking. I used to do this with my dads knives when I was a kid. Never intending to take and not return. If this is a possibility, just ask anyone if they’ve seen it or if they can help you find it. This will cue them into the fact that you noticed it was missing, you’re looking for it, and it’s important to you.

I’d caution against serious punishment or severely scolding a child for this, as it would likely just encourage them to continue to be secretive about their curiosity, instead of an opportunity to engage them in a mutual interest.
There's no kids in the house here and I doubt that guests wander my room.

But then again, from work, university, workouts, seeing friends and spending time outdoors, I have no idea what's going on there.

My sister moved out to live with her BF and she usually visits home 3x a week, and I haven't seen her since Christmas, as I sometimes only come home to sleep. Or just shower, eat, change my clothes and then go somewhere again...

That gives you perspective how much time I spend at home.

And when I am at home - I'm sometimes cooking, sometimes doing stuff for university, and sometimes playing with my knives 😆
We all would, but it happens more often than most people can imagine. We all want to believe that my (friend, family, spouse, child, parent, neighbor, co-worker, etc.) won't steal from us, but it happens everyday, everywhere.

I'm not accusing anyone - and neither should you! Just be more aware, remember where you put something (write it down if you have to) and ensure that you know who have access to that area where it is left.
Well said. 🍻
They're probably orbiting Pluto, along with about a trillion other missing things like small change, odd socks, paper clips, glasses, ballpoint pens and keys. I mean, they have to go somewhere...