I lost my first ZOMSTRO

Jan 5, 2015
Well I lost my ZOMSTRO cleaver today. And an SP-41 5160 3.5" blade...

I offered one for her "Evil Step" Mother's day present. I forgot she is the daughter of a butcher so has a life time of experience at butchering things and the tools needed. I showed the Zomstro as a joke at first. But I had a feeling it might be selected as I never remembered seeing a true cleaver there.

Well she chose both...saying the cleaver what was needed during large critter cutting season. (See I didn't say farm yard animal murder and massacre!) She even said the Zombie Green scales would make it easier to find when working out side and was leaving them on and not the black ones that came with the Zomstro. She said it looked like a good cleaver for I guess cleavering mighty meat in all its forms. The extra hook on the handle a good safety measure...what can I say, she knows more about cleavers than I do. And said it would make a good general purpose tool as well.

So I gave her both. The SP-41 with its Kraton handle and made it easier for her to grab for her more elder hands and to use the knife for critter cutting tasks. And the ZOMSTRO was a going to be a great general purpose cleaver for kitchen duty. The ZOMSTRO CLEAVES! I saw it being used on the next day's dinner. The ZOMSTRO CLEAVER CLEAVES!

I did get some home made from farm yard Pulled Pork before going home.

Good thing I just got my other ZOMSTROM CLEAVER just this morning in the mail. :D
Always a nice gesture to share good tools with others.

I enjoy the Zomstro quite a bit. It's relatively thin and cuts pretty well.

That hook is also nice, but some gloves are needed for extended use, as it does a good job but can get sore after some time.

It's a nice kit over all! I even like the sheath with its big pouch.
Nobody is getting our Zomstro, wife wanted it bad and loves it!

Got some green crap that came with it I need to give away to some poor confused soul though....šŸ˜
Nephew is appeprenticing as a butcher and brings home "SPARE" meat home he's given. That Zomstro is getting to bite fresh meat at least.