I may as well just give Benchmade all my $$$

Jan 13, 2003
I just received my first Benchmade today, a 942 ... this is by far the nicest thing I have ever owned, in any category. Just ... wow. :eek: :D
Hey, welcome to Benchmade. The only Benchmades I have are BaliSongs but I handled a 942 at a local Gun Show. It's a nice piece. Congrats!
Hey you can't go wrong with a Benchmade and your choice is a excellant looker and user, congrads and welcome to the forums. The addiction begins.......Now.
ahh yes, love my 940 too, welcometo the inescapable Benchmade vortex, you may as well give it all up and write the check now.;)
Benchmade is my standard that other knives are compared to.....most don't measure up.
Congrats on a fine piece of cutlery!! You may as well do a direct deposit of your paycheck to your knife dealer.:D You are done dealin now. Is your marriage solid? I hope so.;) enjoy. dtsoll
I love my 705 and 710. There may be an AFCK in my future.
Since Benchmade is no longer making the Nimravius in M2, will BM come out with a Satin finished D2 version?

Will any more 440C satin finished models go on sale?
My BM mini-grip is worth every penny, but I must say the 771 is overpriced and not really worth it. You can get a Microtech mini Socom for less than the price of the 771. The 771 scratches easily and the blade is too small relative to the handle.
Buttery smooooooth and shhhharp. My every day carry for now and probably always (until i venture into customs; hopefully years for now...i'm a poor univ. student)

Just don't drop it on the ceramic tile. Dings in the aluminum don't look cool :mad:

Welcome to the forums.


I think that the dings add character! I see where you are coming from though...the 94X series are so hard to use! They just look too good I guess.

The 806D2 AFCK is amazing. Premium steel and the best fit and finish of any folding knife I own (even better than my 921, which is my favorite Benchmade). This was the first axis-lock knife that didn't give me lateral play after loosening up its pivot a little to let it open without using the thumb oval. All of my others have slight lateral play (921 had the least), but not the 806D2. In terms of EDC performance, the smaller, sleeker 921 out cuts it, but the 806D2 could cut the 921 into little pieces and still be around for plenty more abuse. Also, the newer models have phosphor-bronze washers and a choice of tip-up or tip-down carry. The folks at New Graham sell it for a great price.
I want a satin finish Nimravius in D2. I don't care for the bt2 black finish. I know I can sand down the black but prefer it satin from the factory.