"I must be adopted" or "The story of a mishandled Spartan"

Can someone help me narrow down the year? It has no hole on the awl, fluted corkscrew and no half stop on the large flathead.
The tightest range I can provide is early-mid 1980 for its production/assembly time. It does have a couple of parts that look like ‘79 part production. That’s perfectly normal and happens typically between about 5-10% of main line production. It is my stipulation that tools found in a Spartan from the previous year (outer layers in most other SAKs) only occur in the first month or two, excluding say scales or plastic parts which appear to have been stocked in higher quantities and several months longer. Parts stamped that year should be found throughout a Spartan by say mid-year.
I'm going to throw out a guess of 1980 as the lower limit of the date range based on the awl.
I’m glad somebody can remember some or *any* of the stuff I’ve blabbed about over the years! 👍 The awl in this particular knife is wider than the rest of the awls after Victorinox stopped doing the tip grinds. It has almost no taper to it and is easy to spot. Another part of the stipulation is that this change coincides with the then newly built factory, and the subsequent (huge) increase in production consistency after the move.

Maybe K kamakiri.knives will help a brother out?
Thanks for the vote of confidence 🙏 You know I try! 👍

If I recall, that information exists on another forum, but I had some doubts about its accuracy.
Some forum that requires an Act of Congress and special committee approval to update diddly-squat…then permission from the misc gatekeeper(s) to even discuss the changes? Uhm, no thanks. 🤣

So even after doing the heavy lifting to get the tang stamp page completed on the wiki with most of the pictures and updates on all the (generally accepted) dates…I’m happy to see more people making correct date range estimates in places like theBay. Even though I would’ve liked to create better resources there and fix some of the existing ones…the required effort and frustration is just not worth it.