I have a Lansky basic system, with the three stones of different grit. I also have gotten a stand, better honing oil, and ceramic serration rods (both medium and fine grit) to accommodate any type of sharpening situation. I don't own ANY fixed blades, but I would think that any blade would be able to achieve a factory (if not better) edge with a basic system. You can always buy the more expensive systems out there, but for me it was easier to buy what I needed at the time, and get more pieces as time went on, and my needs changed. I have heard great things about the Spyderco Sharpmaker, I believe I saw one in a store once and the hones were HUGE, more then ten inches I would say... That might be what you are looking for. I would check out the sharpening section of "The Knife Center Of The Internet" for reviews of sharpeners, and breakdowns of what sharpening systems do what.
Robert Joseph Ansbro
If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.
-Stanley Kubrick, 1928-1999