I bought a Buck 102 from a guy at work a few days ago for $5. When I got it, it was covered in some sort of oil(90 weight maybe?) The sheath had been chewed up by someones dog, and the edge on the blade was nearly round. Being one of those people who tend to make knives more dull when trying to sharpen them, I went and bought a Lansky basic kit. The first test subject for the Lansky was a cheap, non serrated steak looking kitchen knife. I managed to get the damn thing pretty sharp. It won't shave or anything, but its real sharp. Next I gave the old Buck a try. I set it up for a 20 degree edge and started out with the coarse stone. Now from all of my reading here on this forum I figured I would end up creating a burr along the edge of the blade that would indicate that it is time to flip it over and work the other side. No burr at all. I looked at it with a high powered and lighted magnifying glass constantly throughout the process. Am I overly concerned with looking for a burr? I guessed my way through the rest of the process and came out with a knife that was sharper than it was. It wouldn't cut butter before. I know because I tried. Any advice would be appreciated.