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I never thought I'd say this about a Benchmade . .

Feb 3, 1999

I was walking the mall this evening and made the circle around the "Cutlery Shoppe". I always walk a counter clockwise path around the store, never stopping and continue on . . . until tonight.

I'm doing to stroll and I see a knife that stops me dead in my tracks. At first I swore it was an Elishewitz custom. I mean, it have all the Elishewitz tricks. Wood scales . . Carbon Fiber scales . . big, ringed pivot head . . Anodized liners . . Allen's teardropped pocket clip, yadda , yadda.

I ask to see it, wondering all the while "What in the Hell is the "mall knife shop" doing with a custom". I turn the knife over and I see "$169.00". Then it hits me, this thing has a freakin' butterfly logoed on the blade! It was a pre-production knife, "0050 of 1000".

Turns out it's the newest collaboration, model number 690!

I'd have bought it, but that was the only one they had and there was a big scratch right across the face of the blade. Gotta find another one!

Yep. Saw it at the NY Custom Knife Show in November. I got the same reaction when I saw it at the BM table. I asked Roberta De Asis "What' s this?!" She said to pick it up and lo and behold, the prototype Elishewitz collaboration. Real beauty.

Great knife.

Do ya think it wil displace the MT LCC as a favorite production folder of our fellow forumites?
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Do ya think it wil displace the MT LCC as a favorite production folder of our fellow forumites?</font>

Let's not get nuts. It's a really nice Benchmade, but it is a Benchmade.

It is an improvement, but to me it looks like a Stryker with a blade shape derived from an LCC. I think the 'original' is always best.--OKG
I don't get this. Why is it that since BM has come out with a new folder, it must be made to market against the MT LCC?

I don't think the two knives have much in common at all. The new BM seems a lot dressier, whereas the LCC's exterior could withstand much more abuse.

It's kinda like the whole BM750 vs CR Sebenza thing. The BM750 was in no way made to market against the Sebenza. At the same time, it offers many of the same great features in an economical package.

I'm kinda tired of all this company-slamming. Just my .0001.

Hey Professor

I was 100% behind you . . . until I remembered a conversation I had with the owner of MT.

Why should the new BM be made to be compared to the LCC? (Well at least the LCC MA) Price.

I don't think anyone would begin to compare BM quality to MTs, but the two knives are in the same price range. Heck, the LCC MA is actually less expensive! I picked up an LCC MA for my brother as a present for my brother, $120! and they can be routinely found in the $130 - $140 range.

Just food for thought.

That's true: if you look at them at current price-point, they are competitively priced. Considering the wood, etc., I think I'd be more inclined to use the LCC harder. I'm inclined to think, however, that street prices will be competitive too, and for around $115.00 here at the For Sale forums, one would have the opportunity to purchase either fine knife according to their needs.

I just grow weary of BM people slamming MT and the other way around...

They're knives, and each company has models that are better for whatever reason than the other company's models. I'd prefer the LCC over the 690 Elishewitz because of it's durability properties anyday. By the same token, I'd take the durability of the BM710/705's G10, Axis Mech, and overall construction over MT's aluminum-handled, comparably-priced models, such as the UDT, or even the more expensive manual Socom Elite, etc.

I'm rambling, but I happen to think both companies make fine knives and I can't see where one company comes ahead over the other when you consider all the models, options, locking mechs, etc.

One thing I would absolutely love--an LCC Mini!

Professor, I think you just touched on the old Ford Mustang-Chevy Camaro argument. Each car was aimed at the same demographic, each cost about the same. Some features were better on one, some on the other.
I think marketing has a lot to do with this. I think MT is going to win 'knife of the year' with the LCC, and I cannot see Les de Asis letting that go on without a challenge. MT had a custom designer (Lightfoot) build a knife, now BM has their resident genius (Elishewitz) provide a comparable knife. Sounds like business in America to me, and we all win.--OKG
Old Knife Guy... For a few years I drove a High 9 second 91 Mustang it had a lot to offer. Now I drive a High 9 second 69 Camaro with even more to offer! Your 100% right the consumer is the real winner!!! I already own the MT and plan to buy the 690 as soon as I can find own!
Actually, this is one of the coolest trends in production knifemaking I've seen in a while -- production copies of custom models are getting closer and closer to their custom predecessors...

We started out with production knives "merely" designed by custom makers (e.g. the early Spydie Goddard/Terzuola models), then we went through a long period of knives that were essentially copies of the outlines of custom models (e.g. BM Emerson 970) reproduced in simpler materials (flat slab G10, no bolsters, etc.), then we started to see more of the handle, etc., detailing of the custom knives come through (e.g. CRKT's Crawford knives, OE's Ralph and Carson knives).

Now, the MT LCC raised the bar quite a bit; granted, I've never seen a Lightfoot original up close, but I was blown away by the LCC when I got my hands on one; the construction details (real Ti bolsters and CF scales, and especially the contouring on both) look like they come from a real handmade custom tactical -- this is no mere outline. And it looks like Benchmade is continuing the trend with the 690 -- CF bolsters, wood scales, both contoured, and a clip like Allen uses on his customs, rather than bolting on the standard Benchmade clip. I'm very impressed!

Those trying to compare the two knives for functionality are missing the point -- one's an upscale SUV and the other's an upscale sports car: one's rougher, tougher, and more durable, the other is sleeker, faster, and, more maneuverable; comparable price/quality, but intended for different uses. Get both, if they appeal to you; I probably will...

It's a good time to be alive in the knife world, exciting things are afoot...

Carl /\/\/\ AKTI #A000921 /\/\/\ San Diego, California

Think this through with me ... Let me know your mind
Wo-oah, what I want to know ... is are you kind?
-- Hunter/Garcia, "Uncle John's Band"
I say.... let all the knife Manufactures go at the best knife of the year award we will all have better knives at lower prices

I am just a worthless liar....... I am just an Imbecile ...... I will only complicate you ..... Trust in me and fall as well .... I will find a center in you ... I will chew it up and leave .. I will work to elevate you just enough to bring you down
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">
MT had a custom designer (Lightfoot) build a knife, now BM has their resident genius (Elishewitz) provide a comparable knife. Sounds like business in America to me, and we all win.--OKG</font>

Yep, and BM came out with a pair of Elishewitz fixed blades, and looky here, MT's coming out with a Lightfoot fixed. The photos of the protos that were posted on the MT forum look very nice (there were two different models, I think-John didn't you post those?). I have a Nimravus, but gotta have that MT when it comes out! You're right, we all win!
Love those collaborations.