I put a low rider on a MiniGrip!

Jan 10, 2004
I took the clip off of my Pika and put it on my Mini Grip. I had to peen it a little to make the holes match up but it worked. The handle is totally out of sight when I carry it! Here is a pic.
Once again we have an end line user screaming for a low rider clip.

Great job swapping the clip.

Sooner or later the manufacturers are going to have to stand up and take notice of all the people wanting this option to be readily available to them for the folders they carry.

STR said:
Once again we have an end line user screaming for a low rider clip.

Great job swapping the clip.

Sooner or later the manufacturers are going to have to stand up and take notice of all the people wanting this option to be readily available to them for the folders they carry.

I agree.

That knife looks sweet!

One of the criteria I chose what knife to carry every day is based upon being able to hide it in my pocket. I hate having a knife top clearly visible over a pocket, that screams "look at my big knife".
redhawk44p said:
Glad you like it.:D
This is my Sheepleville special now. :)
Maybe you can make them and sell them to other people. :)

I'm looking at buying a cheapie $16 Eddue Bauer carbon fiber pocket knife because it has the same pocket clip. I'd use it for everyday carry, because it would be discreet.

But your knife would rock as a EDC.
They are easy to do blade guy. You just gently tap the sides of the clip with a small hammer to line the screw holes up. It doesn't take much.

I love the way it carries. Benchmade will send you the low ride clips. The Lady there is very nice.

The Benchmade people seem very interested in giving their customers what they want. Some manufacturers seem to ignore their customers need for a low ride clip.
I'm carrying the same setup in my pocket right now: Cabelas D2 Mingrip with the clip swapped from a Mini Pika. I posted on this a while back. Apparently the same size clip on both sizes of Pikas. I sent to BM to get a few more clips but they sent the wrong clips. Don't know what knife they go on. BM was very cooperative but we seemed to have a communication problem.

can a Mini Pika's clip fit on a Mini Ritter Grip? I live in a pretty sheeple place, so it would benefit me greatly if I have a low rider clip.
Ultrastick said:
I'm carrying the same setup in my pocket right now: Cabelas D2 Mingrip with the clip swapped from a Mini Pika. I posted on this a while back. Apparently the same size clip on both sizes of Pikas. I sent to BM to get a few more clips but they sent the wrong clips. Don't know what knife they go on. BM was very cooperative but we seemed to have a communication problem.


I'm doing the same thing. The mini clip is much smaller than the reg. size Pika clip. I tuck it IWB and it disappers. While we are talking about swapping how about this, I took the blade out of my 707 (never really like the smallish AL handle) and put it in my mini-Grip handle. This took some serious machine work, but is really cool. A mini-Grip with 154cm!
LongDistance said:
can a Mini Pika's clip fit on a Mini Ritter Grip? I live in a pretty sheeple place, so it would benefit me greatly if I have a low rider clip.

My low rider clips came from Benchmade today. That is excellent service. I will outfit several of my knives with them. Thanks Benchmade.:thumbup::thumbup: :D
Just found out that the low ride Gerber EVO jr clip fits the Pika. I have not tried it on anything else yet.
redhawk44p, I have one of those on my "shortened" Para. Mounted tip-up and like it. I hated the Evo jr., so I tore it down and used it for parts.(Evo=:barf: )
Yeah the EVO does not impress but the small low ride clip on it rocks. I may try to buy some of them from Gerber.
Just a heads up to those like me who live in socialist occupied California.
I have heard that as long as the knife "top or bottom" can be seen along with the clip while in your pocket that you cant be accused of carrying a "concealed weapon".
Any law folks care to embellish upon that ?
What i'm trying to say is ,if that is the case you would be better off with some of the knife showing than not , if you happen to live in a girlyman place like myself.