I sure wish emerson would make a production cqc5

Apr 17, 2000
I really like the looks and size of the cqc5 pictures I've seen. Does anyone know if there will be a production line coming out?

I really like the handle designs on the cqc series. Why isn't this design used on the handle of the production cqc7? It would be a big improvement.
If you do a search, there was a good thread going about knives people want to see produced. Without looking at the thread myself, I believe there was a rumor going that the 5 and the 8 might see the light of day as a production. If not the exact knife a modified version. They were rumored to be coming out sometime this year.

You know, if you talk loud enough and long enough, you might be able to convince Ernie to put in the production line up.
It would be great to see a production CQC5 - especially now that you can no longer place an order for a custom one - wait or no wait.


AC 23,

Yes, it would be nice to have production versions of all the Custom models. Personally, I'd love the CQC8 in a production model. Time will tell.

I really like the handle designs on the cqc series. Why isn't this design used on the handle of the production cqc7? It would be a big improvement.

Well . . . . The CQC7B production model is a copy of the CQC7 custom. Including the body styling.


Truth be known, I kind of like the body style of the CQC5 & 6 better then that of the CQC7 too. Don't tell anyone.

I think most visitors to this forum would welcome production versions of all the custom knives. However, I also think the chances of that happening are slim to none.

This is not to throw cold water on these hopes, but only to keep reality in front of the habitues of this place. Look at it from Emerson's view: he sold his year's production capacity at the SHOT show in January, just with the current line-up, so there's no room for a waved CQC8 production model. And even if there was, why do something he's already done? Its been five years since he designed the 8, seven years since the first CQC5, and he's moved on. Like a band, they don't just want to keep playing the same old songs, even if they were big hits. The Mach 1 is his version of saying, "Listen to the new album."

AC, Dirk, Ed, and John - If I'm wrong and Ernie makes a prodo 5, I'll pay for yours!

jbravo, personally, I think you are right about this. However, that won't keep me from asking and hoping. Actually, I am really getting to like the Mach 1 a lot. When I first picked it up, I wasn't impressed. That is changing everytime I hold the knife.

As a business man, if Ernie saw a high enough demand to warrant a production version of one of his handmades, it might come to pass.

Look at the Commander, a modified version of a handmade. A little bit of hope.

Now, I wonder if Ernie would take a bribe to get the 5 into production. I have $14.32 in unmarked bills............I guess not.
Oh well, jbravo, it was nice that you offered to buy us the knife.

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance,
baffle them with your BS.

Thank you for the offer - I will file this thread for future reference!!!


I certainly would purchase a production CQC-5 but I would want the grind on the right side. I have an order for an ESM-1 and that's all the customs besides the CQC-6 that I will have.
I can´t figure out why Ernie doesn´t make production CQC5/6/8´s. Especially the 5 & 6 would sell on the international market. Just look at the 7. I think it stands for the bulk of the current sales. People want tantos. That´s the way it is. And there´s nothing to loose now that he doesn´t make the customs anymore. I also think there would be a market for a "high" line of blades with bolsters and a little fancier handles (green, white, black micarta - polished). Not to mention the grinding. The current side is wrong. I know about Ernie stating that he doesn´t make sushi knives, but sushi knives are made that way to cut better...

I also think there would be a market for a "high" line of blades with bolsters and a little fancier handles (green, white, black micarta - polished).

Keep an eye out on the Emerson Web Site for the "Custom/Production" line. Once they get it up and running, it may have something you'll like.

The "Emerson Company Store" page has been up since last year, but I'm hoping it'll open soon. I need a match set of bolstered, dress Commanders.
I know about "custom production", but hey, that ain´t gonna happen.
I'm hoping we'll both be suprised at what's available through the "Custom/Production" line.

From the August 2000 issue of Blade:
What's New

What's new at Emerson Knives Inc? In "How to customize a Knife on the Internet" in the May BLADE, you learned that Emerson is in the process of completing a special feature on his Internet site. You soon will be able to order from the Emerson Knives Internet Store a customized factory knife of your choice. This is Ernest's attempt to bridge the gap between his handmade and factory knives. You will be able to pick from an assortment of options for the blade and handle, the size, shape and material, and order your own individually designed knife. A special department is being established to handle such orders. It sounds like an idea that will fly.

Here is a quote from the web site:

Many of the items will only be available from us directly and will never be offered through any stores or dealers. These will include our Left-handed knives, brand new designs that we are testing for production feasibility (these will be severely limited), our new Custom Production knives, titanium versions of our hard use folders and fixed blades, and on occasion, a completely hand-made custom knife from Ernest Emerson himself. These will never be a custom order knife, but something completely unique, the rarest of the rare.

One thing that was confirmed at the Blade Show was that Damascus bladed versions of the factory knives will be available from the "Company Store".

Anodized liners are another item that has come up often as being one of the options available to customers.

We'll have to wait and see what the final menu has to offer.

Take care


[This message has been edited by John Hollister (edited 07-02-2000).]
Hey John!
Hope that all is well and good!
Do you have any "secret" information on this or are you just hoping???
We all know how much you love the commander so maybe you got some unknown black-bag fact source
or maybe not...

Be well!/Jonas aka 2Sharp

"May all your detonations be expected"

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Glad to see my favoritism towards Commanders hasn't fallen on deaf ears.

Did ya'll get a good look at the Commander in one of the pictures from the Japanese web site that I refered folks to the other day?

It's coming. Be patient.


[This message has been edited by John Hollister (edited 07-02-2000).]
I will niether confirm nor deny a production CQC-5 but, if it were me, I would keep a copy of JBravos offer cached away, even if it were for years!



The #1 Hard Use Knives In The World
Thanks for reminding them, Derek. I make one little observation about the likelihood of customs getting produced, and Whammo! I'm in hock buying everyone knives. It'd be worth it to see the prodo knife though. And, I won't even ask about current knife deliveries...