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    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

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I wanna be like Crocodile Dundee when I grow up!!

Dec 25, 2001
This is sorta OT, but I thought I'd give it a run anyway. Most have seen the series of Crocodile Dundee movies, right? (bet you can tell where this is headed, eh?) Anyway, what style of knife was he carrying when that punk w/ the switch tried to jack his wallet? ("Knife? That ain't a knife. This is a knife!") Was it a bowie? I can't remember.

Also, does anyone EDC a blade that big, concealed?? How??

Crodile Dundee is my hero now. I wanna be just like him whenever I grow up.

Big Dundee fan here too. If you ever find out let me know. I asked in the Aussie forum and got no answers there. If they know they ain't talkin';)
A 8 - 12" (blade length) fixed blade (Clip Point style) with serrations on the back. And just as I am writing this Crocodile Dundee comes on on T.V.!
I found it online somewhere once. It is a 10-12" Throwing Bowie with a clip point, blood groove, brass guard and pommel, and stag horn handle. Because it is a throwing bowie, the blade is much wider at the tip as it tapers down towards the handle.

Dundee wore it upside down on a leather suspender that attached to his left front side and rear right side.
In the first movie he carried it in a sheath inside his pants (I'm watching it right now). Also no serrations on the back.
... and we all know aussies have plenty of space down in their pants... nothing to worry about poking.

**VW hides from the soon to come rush of angry mods and aussies**
Well no, there is some truth in that. Fair's fair. But only because we don't have fat arses like you Canadian guys seem to, you see. Monstrous appendages though, no worries there sport.

I have to add, we don't all embrace Paul Hogan. For sure.

[argh, I hate having to edit. Whatever.]
Originally posted by VampyreWolf
... and we all know aussies have plenty of space down in their pants... nothing to worry about poking.

**VW hides from the soon to come rush of angry mods and aussies**


I don't know how many Australian guys' pants you have looked down but you sure as hell aren't talking about me. :D
**VW sticks a hand out from the bushes he's hiding in and shows z17813 where it says "hiding", and wonders if anyone else catches the humour in most of his posts**

I'm only going by what my sister has told me from her fun with aussie and german guys. apparently the chinese are't any better off. Now canadians! this size is due to cold. get us down south(lower 48) where the abient air isn't -20c year round, and whoa!
Originally posted by steve-in-kville

Also, does anyone EDC a blade that big, concealed?? How??


Yes. I carried my 21" Bowie every day, and concealed it now and then just to keep sheeple from getting scared. I carry it in the old way where the scabbard is just tucked into the belt crossdraw, and kept from sliding down by a frog. This carry method is extremely versatile. To conceal it, I wear jeans and a t-shirt, and a flannel lined canvas button up shirt over it like a jacket. I'd turn the sheath so the knife's handle was under my armpit, and button the top 3 buttons on the overshirt. This kept it closed so the handle couldn't be seen, and the bottom tip of the sheath was covered by the shirt tail. By leaving the bottom buttons undone, I could instantly move the scabbard with my left hand so that the handle protruded from the shirt, providing an instant cross draw. When the weather gets cold, and I wear a long wool overcoat, it's very easy to conceal. I haven't had to conceal it all day among crowds of people; in that situation, someone might eventually spot the knife if I moved wrong. In hot weather, I don't know if I could do it. Though I could conceal it on the 4-wheeler I'd be riding.
Originally posted by VampyreWolf
**VW sticks a hand out from the bushes he's hiding in and shows z17813 where it says "hiding", and wonders if anyone else catches the humour in most of his posts**

I'm only going by what my sister has told me from her fun with aussie and german guys. apparently the chinese are't any better off. Now canadians! this size is due to cold. get us down south(lower 48) where the abient air isn't -20c year round, and whoa!

No worries at all. It was taken in that vein.

You might want to have a word with your sister though...