Idea for a new Giveaway Style

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Jul 24, 2002
I was thinking about the whole ordeal that happened with the server and everything and what do you guys think about this??

Every once and awhile I buy a knife to giveaway, how about every once and awhile I have a "Upgrade Giveaway" for basic members. Meaning that when someone wins it, I go to 1SKS and pay to have there membership upgraded, I mean all I have to do is type there username in the field and it would work. Don't get me confused with some money bags, but hell no need that every once and awhile instead of buying a knife to giveaway I can do that. What do you guys think?? Of course Premium and Gold members get screwed on these contests.

That sounds like a great idea to me, BadGuy, as it would also go into helping to support the forums themselves. :D

This also wouldn't necessarily screw out premium members, as you could still upgrade them to Gold members as a prize. Yes, this does still leave existing Gold members out, but if you only do this type of contest on an occasional basis, there really shouldn't be much of a problem.

Of course, nothing is perfect, so the best we can hope for, is a happy medium! :)
I think that if you keep coming up with ideas like this, Mr. TheBadGuy, we're going to have to change your screen name.
How about a cute single female friend... give away a girlfriend or something... maybe enlist your wife's large circle of single female co-workers... nothing like a chick in uniform...
Hey, no need for the Gold Members to feel left can always upgrade them to a dealer account!:p


Edited to add: I don't know how you do all this being out of work and all. I can't wait to see what kind of generosities you do when you do go back to work. You will reap good rewards for all the good things you do for others. Keep up the good work.
BG, please don't take this the wrong way, but I think you should cool it for a while. Seriously man, everyone here appreciates your generosity, but now is probably not a good time to be giving things away, especially to strangers (some more strange than others) on the internet.

I have made it a point to not participate in your last few giveaways, even though the knives were way cool, because I just can't see taking gifts from someone who's unemployed, especialy at the rate you're giving things away.

Besides, you are embarassing all of us fully-employed guys who aren't nearly as generous. :p
If I understand this, I think it would be a disincentive for people to upgrade. Why? Because they could think "Oh why bother I'll just let TBG do it for me" or "Oh well, maybe I'll win next time" and do nothing.

IMO, it would be better and more cost efficient to "elevate" larger groups of people. Specifically in terms of membership, I think it would be better to consider:

- You must be a gold or premium member AND guess the whatever to win a give away knife.


- You must be a gold or premium member to participate in a passaround.

Membership is not an easy problem to solve.
I can certainly agree with what DaveH has to say. I'm still only a basic member myself, which I should hopefully be able to remedy today, and I can definitely see a valid point there.

Being in the technology industry, and running 4 websites myself, I'm fully aware of the costs involved in keeping them online, both in money, and in time. Maybe if more people did pay for memberships, things would be a lot smoother here.

I agree the people should be able to 'try out' the forums for a while, and at least see if it would be worthwhile for them, but after that, you should try to help out. I know that if anyone buys knives, the cost of one knife would pay for a membership. Which is pretty much exactly what I'm planning to do today.
Originally posted by Gollnick
I think that if you keep coming up with ideas like this, Mr. TheBadGuy, we're going to have to change your screen name.

I personally think we need to change his screen name right now. How do you feel about "The GoodGuy"?
TheBadGuy ain't nothin more than one of those Trolling Mall Ninjas:eek:. They call themselves big tough guys who beat up gangs of thugs single handedly. He calls himself a Bad Guy, but really, he is nothing more than a really good guy who can't keep himself from doing good:p .

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