Idea: "Member Project of the Month", your thoughts?


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
Reading the "Sacrilege!" thread, I just had an idea (uh oh, run while you can!): What do you guys think of a " Member Project of the Month", similar to the ones found in Popular Mechanic's Magazine?

For those of you who are unfamiliar, this is basically a little page/half page blurb where a reader (in our case member) sends in a picture of something neat they did themselves. Here we could post pictures of handmade knives, customized folders/fixed blades, knife art, etc. They would get their own page for a month, and all the fame and glory that goes with it

What do you guys think about this idea?


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Good idea, Spark
One suggestion, though (I always have at least one).....after a month, it is going to get pretty stale. Net people are "now" people. We get bored quickly. Many of us come here several times during a day looking for something new.
Monthly projects are great for monthly magazines. On the 'net, a week is a long time....a month is forever.
How about making it a weekly event with an archive of the more recent projects ? Of course, this would depend on a steady supply of reader projects.

And apologies to members who do not consider themselves as "now people" and do not get bored quickly

Brian W E
ICQ #21525343

Anything to build the rogues gallery
!! I mean aside from Mike, Will, DC, Bill McW, and me, who else has had their mugs tarnish these pages?

So if a project of the moment (right on Brian!) will get us there, why not <grin>!!!


I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 11 February 1999).]
Great idea! Thats what I like about this place, new stuff! The rouges gallery Bob, never thought of it that way, but you are right! haw haw
Amateurs only or include projects in progress from custom makers?

Ron Knight

Yeah I'm crazy, but what do you want me to do about it
Anyone and everyone is allowed, why discriminate? Show us what you can do!

As for a Rogue's Gallery, hey, that's an idea as well....


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

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Sounds good to me, as long as we don't have to submit a picture; mine always have too much flash reflected back

And I am thinking about doing one of Rob's kits, hmmm, do kit-get hooked making knives- become famous knifemaker and post here on my own forum...yeah thats the ticket!!

It could happen...
Brian, one option is that the members could send their knives to us and we'd take pictures for them, that wouldn't be a problem. "We have the technology"


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Cool. 1 week sounds great. Spark, in two weeks you're going to get a Mad Dog WSP1 converted to a California-legal folder *without* voiding the Mad Dog warrantee.

If it works, that is. See the concept text on the Mad Dog forum...I won't clutter up this thread talking about it, wouldn't be fair.

Jim March
Very Cool Idea.
That will make me practice my knife grinding, so I can show off one of my knives. Right now my knives look like I ground them with my feet.

-Greg Johnson

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[This message has been edited by gregj62 (edited 11 February 1999).]
I Like the idea, but it would be neat to keep an archive around of older projects. I wish I had access to a scanner so I could send some pics of my personal butchery. A tip & tricks section would be pretty nice too.....Or a Dremel Junkie's forum...Yea...that's what we need....Or a Home projects forum that would be able to encompass all of these Ideas...Oh well, back to class....


"No, it's a Vaquero Grande in my pocket, but I am happy to see you!"
MegaFolderians Unite!!

[This message has been edited by Yekim (edited 11 February 1999).]
Sounds great, and who knows, maybe someone will be discovered and Mike will mass produce your work.....hey, anything is possible.


Live every day as if it was your last, for some day it shall be.

Would a photograph of a collection qualify?, ie, say someone
put togather a really cool collection of Schrade autos (I'm not quite there yet, but working on it
), and managed to get a good photograph of the collection (or even maybe a nice collection of MT's or Dalton's), would that fit in as a "project"?

Sounds cool Spark! I just had some scans of my handmades done tonight,maybe now I`ll wait to post em.
For a "Look What I Did" section, I guess I could send in photos of my hands swathed in blood-stained bandages.

Can you think of any way to give me credit for all the dumb things I *didnt* do?

Cool idea, but in keeping with the "project" atmosphere, how about Non-Commercial efforts only. Otherwise it could just turn into an advertising tool, which in turn could make your life difficult, if one maker get's to show a "project" and another has to wait....

Good point Rob, as usual.

Here's how I think we'lll work it:

We'll accept all "projects" regardless of who did them, at any time. Member ones will rotate montly, and will be listed on pages so people can check the old ones out as well.

Custom makers and manufacturers who have "projects" will be put up as they are recieved, and will be labeled as an "industry" project, in another area of the same section. So, a Darrel Ralph, Alan Folts, or Kit Carson project would go under the Custom Makers section, while something that the regular members make would go in the main area.

How does that sound?


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
If it's not off the topic if someone has constructed a knife display case and wants to
send in a picture I would like to see thoses as well. With and without their collection.
