If I like the Obenauf and Carson folders...

Sep 5, 2002
If I'm really digging the Kit Carson Model 4 and the Obenauf folders, what else might I check out that's in (approximately) the same price range and quality level?


Best places to shop online for custom folders?
Hi Billman. Just check out my signature line to see what I think of those two!:eek: :D Fantastic knives! You might also look at the tactical knives of John W. Smith. All three build their knives big and beefy and to go for the long haul. www.bladeart.com Larry B. has several right now, both liner locks and framelocks.
I think you should also look at JW Smith and Aaron Fredrick's knives.
You might also try Andre DeVilliers. His aesthetic is different from Kit and Mike, but he make some fine liner lock blades at fairly reasonable prices.
Peter Marzitelli's website is: http://www.marzknives.com

Peter had unique designs and well-executed liner locks. His handles are designed more to the "thicker" cross-section. They provide excellent grip but are a bit bulkier for pocket carry.
I'd like to second Keith's recommendation of Tom Anderson. You would be hard pressed to find a more solidly built, or better executed, liner lock folder than you can get from Tom.
Im going to risk being labelled a CR groupie and recommend a large Sebenza with a nice wood inlay, im partial to snakewood. As or more solidly built than any knife out there, with custom level fit and finish. I love custom knives, but i love Sebenzas too.
You can't leave Bob Terzuola, Darrel Ralph, Deryk Munroe and Pat & Wes Crawford from the list. Tom Mayo also qualifies and Scott Cook has come up with a winner with his Lochsa folder and not to forget the Jones Bros. and Neil Blackwood as the list grows. Keith really nailed it with his dealer list that covers the cream of the crop - after cruisin' thru those sites you won't have missed any of the top makers. Have fun looking!

Originally posted by Billman
...but that Carson M4 just makes my pants go crazy...

Hmmmm, I'm not sure I like the sound of that... :eek: :)

PS. A great Carson sold in the forums earlier today, I MISSED IT! :(
I think that you're all full of ka-ka. . .about your recommendations of knife makers ! :p :D

And to prove me wrong. . .mail me a sample (immediately) of each of your recommendations. After a rather lengthy evaluation ~ ~ ~ I'll let you know what I think ! :p :)
I have owned customs by many well known makers. But as far as tacs go, without a doubt, I have to agree with Art. Both John W. Smith and Kit are in a class by themselves in my opinion.

For quality, hard core use and value retention, you can not beat either one..

There are a number of makers that make really great tactical folders that include the other names that have been mentioned here. But the cream of the crop are these two gentleman IMHO.

Good Choice... Seen some reasonable deals in the "Customs For Sale By Individual" lately as well.

Keep your eyes open and you may fall on a bargain.

Originally posted by Megalobyte
Im going to risk being labelled a CR groupie and recommend a large Sebenza with a nice wood inlay, im partial to snakewood. As or more solidly built than any knife out there, with custom level fit and finish. I love custom knives, but i love Sebenzas too.

I wonder if anyone goes on the CR forum and tells them to buy customs :rolleyes:

With respect to the original question...well, are you looking for high quality tacticals in general or are you looking for high quality tacticals that are similar in style, feel, and appearance to Carson and Obenauf? Many of the makers mentioned are great but they are very different from Carson...

In terms of online buying, in addition to the list that Keith posted, you might want to try www.truenorthknives.com (Keith, how'd you miss our fellow Canadian???)

Kit is DA MAN!!! And he sits with a 12 Gauge watching Mike, so you KNOW his work rocks too!!!:D :D Kits work is awesome, you wont ever regret buying a knife by him or Mike..
Originally posted by RL

In terms of online buying, in addition to the list that Keith posted, you might want to try www.truenorthknives.com (Keith, how'd you miss our fellow Canadian???)
