I'm back. Playing catchup. HI Convention quality not quantity.

Mar 5, 1999
That's it.

Convention was great and what we lacked in quantity was more than made up for with quality. Fine folks!

Duvon's presentation and demo I have on camcorder tape and will have available in VCR format in the near future. Will have to charge a modest fee for shipping and tape costs but it will certainly be affordable.

Stay tuned. Pala will be getting back to his crazy deals as soon as he gets recovered from the convention excitement.

PS: I tried to post a pix taken at convention but after 11 minutes of grinding away and getting nothing I elected to abandon the effort.
Welcome back, Uncle. Been pretty quiet, as you've probably noticed. Glad you had a good time, and really #$%^&* sorry that I missed it.
Me too, playing catchup.

Duvan's demonstration and informative lecture was very good. Learned alot. I'll never be a martial arts type, but the moves in the demonstration and handout explanation would be very good just to keep the muscles stretched out. AND maybe tighten the ol neglected tummy?

I really enjoyed meeting ALL the attendees, Uncle, Yangdu, Pala, Lama and Sammi. Dr. Duvan Winborne is a VERY interesting person.

Got home at 1:30Am this morning, with treasured memories.

Rusty displayed some interesting concepts on his knives.

Me still have much to learn...................................:)

Still a bit groggy from this morning, FORGOT my manners. Thanks to ALL for the friendship and hospitality. Really appreciated.
I had a great time at the convention. It was great meeting everyone. Duvon's presentation was just awesome. Much food for thought. Rusty brought an amazing selection of khukuris, as well as a few other blades. Rusty has done some extensive modifications to the handles of some of his khukuris to improve the way they fit his hand. His presentation was an interesting mixture of craftsmanship, ergonomic design, and khukuri mysticism:) Logan also had a nice collection, including a huge chiruwa AK by Sher (I think) that looked like it could chop through a tank. I ended up bringing home a few new khukuris; I'll post reviews later.
A big thanks to Uncle Bill, Yangdu, Pala, Sammi and Lama Jigme Rinpoche who blessed my Villager that is being sent in the mail today going to a very close friend in A-Btry, 1-27 FA BN in Iraq, this ment alot to me having my(not mine now) Villager blessed for my friend. It was great meeting everyone and also checking out Rusty's khukuris, nice collection and what he has have done with them. Duvon's presentation was a joy to watch...Again Thankyou to Uncle Bill for being a great host and putting on a great event.
Glad you guys all had a great time! I'm upset I didn't make it but there will be a next time!
I missed you all on the forums this weekend. Glad you all had a great time and are back with us.
Uncle Bill wrote:
Duvon's presentation and demo I have on camcorder tape and will have available in VCR format in the near future. Will have to charge a modest fee for shipping and tape costs but it will certainly be affordable.
Please let us unfortunate non-attendees know when the tape is available, and the electronic check will be in the mail!:)
And if Uncle took any pictures of the cocktail waitresses ..... :footinmou
Good to hear you guys had a good time, and I hope to make it to the next one.

Seeing the pictures of Duvon that Sweet just posted in the other thread, what did Pala think of Duvon's techniques?

edit: forgot to mention that the video could be put on the web for all to see, even a modem user like me can download in chunks. I'm sure somebody in the Cantina can help out with the tech side, or we can pitch in a few bucks for Uncle Bill to take it to a shop to be digitized.
mPsi - Seeing the pictures of Duvon that Sweet just posted in the other thread, what did Pala think of Duvon's techniques?

I looked over at Pala several times during the demonstration to observe his reactions. You could see he was paying attention to the moves, nodding his head in agreement,and at times with a big smile and nodding agressively. From Pala's body language, Duvan had the high approval of Pala.
Duvon does not drink, smoke and does not eat meat. Upon learning this Pala commented, "Bill, Duvon is a better Buddhist than we are." Pala's probably right.

I'm very happy that I got this event on video. These are moments I don't want to lose and it will be great stuff for those unable to attend. Duvon's presentation is something that will stay forever young, too. Great stuff.
I had a great time at the convention. It was great to meet everyone there. The Demonstration by Duvon was great. I got to fondle Rusty's collection(really liked his AK Bowie, I now have my own). Got to talk with everyone. My wife and Josh's wife got to talk to each other about us having HIKV:o :D. I even made it into the "SHED". It was really hard to concentrate when I got in there. Definately want to go to the next one.
Got about 3-4hours of sleep, up at 5:30, drive to Reno, attend morning session, use lunch break to find a motel for that night, walk back in for afternoon session and about 3 minutes beforer it got going Bill asks me to give a presentation on my exotic khuks and the ones I've modified.

Got up and went over the exotics, then the ones I'd modified the handles on. Passed them down the tables and then Pala would come and lay them back down where they started.

I had him stand next to me and demonstratr demonstrated the similarities in size of hands. height, etc. We both are 5'4", wear same hat size, probably same shoes size, so if I wanted a special order, I coud tell the kamis to make it to fit Pala.

Far as handle modifications, just did whatever felt right based on feel and what the khuk told me to do.
Hello Rusty. It was great to meet you there. I really like the modifications you made to your khukuris. It gave me the motivation to change something on my khukuris if I want to. I think my wife really liked the handles. Most of the handles on mine are a little too big for her.

My only regret of the convention is that I could not be there the second day. I really liked the BS session toward the end. Just talking with people and learning stuff. It was cool. As Uncle Bill said, alot of Quality people.