I'm back!

Dec 1, 1999
I know it's been a while, but I now have internet access at my house again. New names, but still the same Cantina.

Uncle Bill, did you get the new updated pictures of Ken?

I'll be around from now on. There is a good chance that my family can make it to the H.I. Khukuri convention this year.
BA, It's nice to see you again. Glad your back.:)

How've you been doing?
Great to hear from you, Broken Arrow.

Last year sometime it got so busy with all the new guys popping up all over the place I couldn't keep up ( not could Uncle I suspect ) but most of the new guys stayed around and quickly became as daft as the rest of us.

How's Keninshiro doing?

Last time I checked, my email was still available, so if you feel like dropping me a line I'd welcome an update.

BTW - the HI forum finally went over 100,000 posts here on Bladeforums a few months back. Back on Knifeforums before moving over here there were about 3,000 posts total. Took me less than a week to read the whole thing. I think it's now archived, but we actually had a single thread with over 1700 posts and 83 pages long before Spark had to end it - it was slowing down the rest of the forums here. The "Phantom of the Khukura" was it's name.

Glad to see an old friend back.
Wildmanh,things have been busy for me, but it's nice to be officially back.

Nice to hear from you also. Little Ken is growing up fast. He knows various parts of my car, especially the engine! I sent Uncle Bill a current picture, maybe he can post it here. Talk to you soon!
Good to see you back, BA. Ken is on the fridge door!!!

I'll post his pix maybe later today. Along with DC my scanner is giving out, too.

Be sure and brink Ken to the convention. I'll have a few khukuris for him to test but no firearms except my antique .38.
Thanks again for the warm welcome back! My schedule has been hectic, and within this month, I trying to set up a blade fighting/ awareness class for my ex-coworkers from R.P.D.. Their SRT guys need to know about the blade and what it can do in close quarters. I'll get some pictures from the class and post it here.
Originally posted by Broken Arrow
Thanks again for the warm welcome back! My schedule has been hectic, and within this month, I trying to set up a blade fighting/ awareness class for my ex-coworkers from R.P.D.. Their SRT guys need to know about the blade and what it can do in close quarters. I'll get some pictures from the class and post it here.

Good Luck BA. Hope the class goes well for you and everyone involved. Pics would be nice. Would love to hear how it goes. And remember to stick around.:)
Just be sure to make double sure you got all their bullets, and give them all red guns ( non firing replicas ) before you pull out Sundang, Barong or Kobra.

Matter of fact, have them bring an extra pair of pants and shorts.

Do you still talk with Cecil at Kris Cutlery now and then? I'm still looking for a kriss with spirit to it. Let's talk about it when I get some money.

Slvrfalcon ( or Sarge / Gregg ) brought a Khyber knife back from Afghanistan for me. it's unchanged since I got it except for the patina removed to give it a shaving edge.
Great to have you back BA!!:)

Glad to hear your little boy is doing well too---he's a cute little guy:)