I'm getting my second Sebenza

Dec 10, 2000
Well I won't really have two but this is the second one I've gotten. I bought a large regular for my first Sebenza despite a lot of people on here telling me to get the small first but I wouldn't listen. Well I was very happy with my knife until I got to handle a small classic. I knew I had to have one as soon as I held it so I contacted Chris Reeve knives and asked them about a trade. They are going to trade with me so my new small classic should be here sometime next week. I can't hardly wait for the second time!
Good Idea John, that narrower point is well thought out and the guard area is more pronounced on the Classics. I'm fortunate to own both and like each one but if I were empty handed and had to re-purchase I'd opt for the Classic.....it's just...well.. Classic...;)

My new Sebenza shipped out today. I should have it by Friday. I can't hardly wait. Chris Reeves customer service just can't be beat. Thanks to them again for all the help they gave me.
Its finally here. I received my new Sebenza today. It is like all Chris Reeve knives, perfect. I think that I should have gotten the small first.