I'm making my first friction folder! WIP

I'm really not liking how this is turning out after staring at it for a couple more hours, maybe thats the problem with me i keep looking at things to much and keep making changes when they would have been fine as is, i don't know but i'm going to make some changes to the scales i think...

I've been neglecting this project because of the other knives i started so tomorrow i'm dedicating it to this, and maybe starting the next one :)

Hey Guys, finally got back to the friction folder today!, man its hot out, so hot i had sweat running into my eyes every 2 seconds, makes it pretty hard to see!, anyways that's not important what is tho is that i did some contouring to the scales to make them smaller and more fitting to my hand, then sanded the edges to soften them and added some big jimping cause i like it massive and continued grinding the blade, its almost where i want it. I'm going really slow on this cause i don't want to screw it up, its not as easy to cut out one of these blades to start over as it is to cut a fixed blade out, at least not for me and the tools i'm working with, the curves and the preciseness of it is pretty tricky. Well that's all for today i'm thinking cause its too hot in the garage for me.

Put a head band on to keep the sweat out, get a cheap micrometer to replicate all that preciseness, and keep on grindin lookin perrty gewd!:triumphant: