
I used it quite a bit. It is basically bone made to look like stag. It's easy to work with but stinks as with any bone or horn. I would take a propane torch and brown it to make it look aged after I would sand it smooth.
I don't like it. I want either jig bone or genuine stag. None of this "Genuine Stagbone" crap like BEAR MGC uses. :barf:
I agree with Danbo. They can keep their imi-stag I bought two sets of and used one. Yuck. Took it back off and went with wood. I have since switched to Mastadon Ivory off of Ebay. Beats the heck out of immitation and the price is right if you shop long enough. You can even see a photo of the exact piece they are selling + money back guarantee. Someof the best stabilized wood prices going as well along with some great damascus billets.

Koval on the other hand does have the best Imitation Ivory I have used.