Improvised weapons just as good?

Feb 3, 2001
Here's a pic of some things hangin' around my desk:

The tail from a Horseshoe Crab I found down the Jersey Shore, a piece of my fire place grate that melted off the end(my wife makes some hot fires, she'd give any forger a run for his money when it comes to a hot fire), I like the little barb that formed, and last but not least a refined weapon, a Spyderco Viele colaboration, a true gentlemens pocket knife.

Anyway just thought they looked neat together.

well if you want to kill somebody i think theyll do just as good as a knife. you could probably do some serious damage with a broken cd or sharpened stick too
M Wadel said:
you could probably do some serious damage with a broken cd or sharpened stick too

Trust me, cds don't have to be broken to do damage. I probably should have told my friend Troy that before he decided to use one as a frisbee. It would have saved my eyebrow a few drops of blood.

It was hilarious at the time though, we were pretty drunk...
If you want a real shock of the improvised knife, take a piece of obsidian or good flint, and get a good flake off of it. Then cut up your steak!

Since I became interested in stone age tools, I have knapped a few blades out of flint and chert, and it's amazing how sharp it is. Got into it when I saw that barefoot aussie guy make a stone knife and take a wallabi apart with it, then cut down a sappling to make a spear with it. Also of interest was the bone dagger he made from a leg bone of something. Vicious.

I love to improvise!
I actually keep a live whole horseshoe crab by my bedside. I figure, if a guy breaks in I could throw it at him like the face-hugger in Alien. All those little pinchers on the bottom would do some serious damage. :thumbup:
TorzJohnson said:
I actually keep a live whole horseshoe crab by my bedside. I figure, if a guy breaks in I could throw it at him like the face-hugger in Alien. All those little pinchers on the bottom would do some serious damage. :thumbup:

They are the ugliest critters.

I don't know what to do with this thread. If it were really about improvised weapons I would move it to Practical Tactical, but it seems to be about horseshoe crabs.... :confused:
That's a very interesting knife, Ryan! :)

The barbed spines from stingray tails have been used as weapons by primative cultures. There's even a theory that the keris evolved from knives made with stingray spines.


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Virtually anything can be used as a weapon.

A former acquaintance of mine once made a "claw" style shank from a pork chop bone while spending the holidays in the county jail.
I actually consider my knives to be improvised weapons, since I think of them as tools...sort of like using a wrench as a weapon.
It's funny how if you have a pocket knife with a clip, your a (to use my friends grandmothers term for me) hoodlum, but walk down the road with a chainsaw or a weedwacker with a saw blade and your just landscaping.:rolleyes:

Some of the best improvised weapons are always the ones you have on hand or access to.

I was working in a warehouse changing 8 foot fluorescent bulbs on a scaffold about 25 feet off the ground when this idiot who for some reason was always tryin' to prove how tough he was started throwin' 1/4 X 20 nuts at me, he had a handful and he kept askin' me what was I gonna do from up there, I didn't say nuthin' I just started throwin' 8 foot long bulbs at him.

You know what? He left me alone for a long time after that.:D
I have this really nice blackthorn cane that my grandmother gave me. It sits next to my bed. I gurantee I would reach for that thing over any knife, if someone broke into my house. I also have a big maglight(4D) on my shelf, just in case the cane breaks over his head and he's still moving a little. And if the maglight breaks over his head, and I still see a slight twitch from his body, I'll just drop my computer monitor on his head to finish him off.
T. Erdelyi said:
I was working in a warehouse changing 8 foot fluorescent bulbs on a scaffold about 25 feet off the ground when this idiot who for some reason was always tryin' to prove how tough he was started throwin' 1/4 X 20 nuts at me, he had a handful and he kept askin' me what was I gonna do from up there, I didn't say nuthin' I just started throwin' 8 foot long bulbs at him.

You know what? He left me alone for a long time after that.:D

hehehe. when i was younger we had to move everthing out from this warehouse/busgarage place (a lasergame arena) even the bulbs had to go we were told. so we shot them all down (could have been 25-30 feet or so) with soft airguns.. it was very fun. :D . we had protective glasses when we used those soft airguns so we figured fencing would be a safe and smart thing to do with leftover tubes... i think it was 5ft tubes could have been 4