In hand pictures?

Jul 13, 2005
I was wondering if anyone has any pictures of the becker brute or bk9 in hand pictures?

Or a size comparison with another knife like buck 119 or something common like that? The reason i ask is because i've heard that the handles are large and was wondering just how big. I'm 5'7, 130 lbs. if that helps anyone tell how big/small i am.

Sorry if its a hassle but trying to decide on b-day present:o
dont worry about the handles . im the same height you are and 150 and i dont have any problems with the handle on my bk7 . all the handles are the same size i think except the necker. both of them are big but they wont dwarf your arm for example. if its a big issue you could allways get the bk7 instead. i love that knife , its the ideal size for me and it chops , splits wood , does fine work and anything else i ask it to do. im gettin a brute anyway though. try some web sites for comparison pics [ companys are fond of posing their knives with gear]or try cliff stamps website.