Indian Head Cutlery

Aug 6, 1999
does anyone know how to get any info on this brand,I have two and would like to buy a few more,very nice knife made in Soligen Germany.

Struck out with the usual references. Would suggest you give Ebay a try. I've managed to identify some oddballs in my collection by browsing their site.
tpaulos, I may very well be wrong on this, but I have a vague memory of seeing these knives in the Smoky Mtn. Knifeworks catalog a couple of years back. If not these then something quite similar. If I recall, they were assembled in Pakistan from Soligen made parts which would account for the relatively low price. Try SMKW and let us know if you find them.


who dares, wins

If you are talking about the Indian Head pocket knives, they were made by Buck Creek in 1976 to 1989. These stockman patterns range in book value of $75 to $130 depending on condition. Average selling price now is $30 to $40. They are getting hard to find especially in certain scale patterns and colors.
found some today,made by cristen cutlery soligen germany,ordered some pick bone and stag,I allready had a few they are well made and the finish is high quality.the retail price is in the $50 range.thanks for your help
Tony Paulos