Indian Made Kukri

Sep 24, 1999
I recently bought an Indian made Kukri on ebay for $28.00. Does anyone have any experience with this knife? I realize that the quality is nowhere near the ones offered by Himilayan Imports or the Gurkha House but it seems to be a "solid" knife.
Kevin Miller

Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always.
I don't have any excessive experience, but I probably have the same one as you do.

I had it delivered to my work address about 7 years ago. I immediately started chopping up wooden pallets in the back of the store, scaring the heck outta the folks at the Chinese Restaurant next door, and it functioned just fine.

Since them, I haven't done anything with it.. just kept it as a conversation piece, and it's still in fine shape.

In any event, $28 was money well spent.

Vampire Gerbil: similar to a domestic gerbil, except for the odd accent and little black cape.


I have been collecting kukries for over ten years now. The best traditional samples (cold steel and other 1st world products excluded) have been produced by local indian artisans. Unfortunately, virtually all of these are unsigned, hence it is virtually imposible to identify the maker of any particular piece. Given this limitation we need to determine value and quality based on the workmanship, materials, and detail exhibited by the knife.

The design itself, makes a good defensive and utility knife. we know this because we have evidence of similar designs going back to the bronze age (a truely poor product doesn't spread like this).

There are many older kukries of good working quality available at reasonable prices. Unfortunately there is also alot of junk, produced either for the inexperienced knife collector or for the turist trade. Use caution when buying one of these knives trust your eyes (forget the sales pitch - remember it is usually imposible to determine the pedegree of any of these knives).

About the only other warning I could give you is to avoid nickle plated knives marked "india". These are truely wall hangers made and imported for the turist trade - read as pure junk.

Good luck and have fun!
Since you use the same name on eBay & this forum I was able to use the eBay search to look at the auction you won. Your new knife is better quality than the plated tourist jobbies, and supposedly is the same design issued to current Gorkha troops in the Indian army. The picture shows a wooden handle but text says horn - whichever, you may find the center ring too large and sharp for comfortable use and want to sand it down a bit. Also that "amazing 1/4 inch thick" blade is actually on the thin side compared to most good Nepalese khukuris, so you probably should use caution in applying lateral stress. If you enjoy that knife, you should start saving your pennies for a HI villager or GH SN1, either of which will cost about twice as much but give you ten times more knife. You may find, as so many have to their sorrow, that khukuris are addicting. Oh, sure, you just start with an inexpensive Indian blade, but before you know it you'll be special ordering custom jobs from Nepal
. Take it from a guy who's been down that road!

[This message has been edited by Berkley (edited 26 September 1999).]
I have a pretty chunky Khukri that I got for about $20.00 at a gun show back in the early/mid 80's- been "rode hard & put up wet" (not really "wet")& has busted up a bunch of kindling for me without complaint & comes in handy when bargaining at the door for Girl Scout Cookies.
I'll punish the poop out of this one & then graduate to a better quality piece (& save the old one for really ugly jobs) Since I now live in NYC, it's harder to find a legitimate reason to run around w/ a Khukri- unless you want to lop off a No Parking sign...

Runs With Scissors
AKTI# A000107
I have the Kukri i got from Atlanta cutlery in the mid eighties. It had paper work claiming to be a cost overrun kukri. This subject was discussed before on the blade forum. It looks real solid to me and preforms great over the years. But I would like to compare it with the "real ones someday.

I too bought an Atlanta Cutlery khukri many years ago. It was their Assam Rifles model. It came do dull I couldn't believe it... no effort had been made to put a bevel and edge on the thing. I did get it sharpened but found the steel rolled easily and it didn't keep the edge long at all.

What it did do is convince me that if I ever bought another, it'd have to be high grade. Enter HI and Bill Martino. I'm now an enthusiastic khukri owner having a 15" Ang Khola and an 18" Gelbu Special. There is absolutely NO comparison between the cheapies and a real Nepalese sami made khukri.

-=[Bob Allman]=-

I did NOT escape from the institution! They gave me a day pass!

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