Joss said:Who are the makers that have been attacked here? Just curious.
There are many. A few of them spent so much time defending themselves you don't see them around here anymore. Answering email and responding to posts is an art in itself at times. Add to it, the fact that many of the long time knifemakers are not computer savy and you have the potential for a lot of bad and hurt feelings along the way. Do they really need this stress in their live?
Does the knifemaker give you a one sentenace response because the are stuck up and hooked on the their own image? Or, is it because they can't type? Kids of the computer generation take for granted the ability to type at 80 words per minute or more. In high school, I took a class that included typing. If that was the only thing in the class, I would have probably flunked out. A few years later in college, I was typing on a keyboard over a 100 words per minute. Give the old guys a chance They may in fact find the computer thing very frustrating.
Also, keep in mind that some of the best knifemakers don't post in forums ever. They may or may not have a really out of date website. They may never reply to your email because they don't own a computer! On more then one occasion, I have had a knifemaker blow me off. Later, I found out that they work full time and this was their busy season. Or, their web-site was made by someone long ago who managed their email for them. It's amazing what a simple phone call will do at times. I went from being ticked off to buying two knives with one phone call!
Now, how many people are really on-line? How many knife collectors go to knife shows? The first knife show I went to was a local show. Being dumb as a rock at the time, I did not know or understand why the knives were so over priced. I did see one very nice camp knife by this unknown guy. The knife looked really nice but, $260 for a camp knife. Sure it had some awesome stabilized wood. I learned the neat little pins it were called mosaic somethings. The handle actually fit my hand instead of fitting my hand to it. The bolster finger guard was nice to. But, $260? From this no name upstart Jerry Hossom out of Georgia? Like I said, dumb as a rock....
The good news is I got smarter . Like one purchase I was admiring earlier this morning as someone asked my about Curly Koa wood. Nick Wheeler might remember that one. I don't recall ever seeing a piece if his work in person. I read around the forums and saw a few good pictures of his knives on line. I described what I wanted and gave him a little artistic license after some rather good responses to my post on this site. Wow, what a bargain! I think I stole that knife for something like $400 - it was worth more. I love those new guys!