Is Bladebabe M.I.A?

Mar 8, 2001
Bladebabe, having trouble contacting you to ask about Steel Heart, tried ringing on Saturday but did not know the time difference between Ireland and Busseland. Looking to get a satin finish on the blade, anyone got this finish and can you post a cool pic of such. Some of you guys collections are friggin out of this world, makes me think I am wasting my time trying to build up a kickass collection.:( :(
No pointy, your not wasting your time, your wasting your money!!
Just kidding:D

I only have five Busses right now so don't feel bad. Once I get out of school I will be buying a lot more of them. I might even have to pick up one of these monsters Jerry is talking about, a little early;)

Originally posted by Pointy!
Looking to get a satin finish on the blade, anyone got this finish and can you post a cool pic of such.

I don't know if I'd call it a "cool" pic but it is a pic none-the-less.

This one shows the Double Cut finish on the Top knife and the Satin finish on the bottom knife.(the satin isn't black it is the reflection of the flash) I hope this helps :D:D
Nope, I'm here!! You can usually catch me here at the shop Monday through Friday, 9a.m.-5:30p.m.

I just spoke with you on the phone about 5 minutes ago! Now guys...I love all your southern accents. But Pointy might have you guys topped with his Ireland accent!! WOW!!!


Originally posted by thatmguy
You work until 5:30???:p

If you call that "work"... :rolleyes:

You guys should know by now that BB's main function is to sound cute on the phone and entice all you fellas into keeping Jerry stocked up on CBLs. You know, some of those phone services cost $3-5 a minute. At least calling BB you know that Mr. Brownsocks will show up at some point in the future. ;)