Is it chrome platted?

Dec 4, 2002
Someone (on another knife forum) was looking at a photo of one of my karmabits and asked if it was chrome plated...I don't think I have every seen anyone ask that before....but maybe it looks like that in photos?????
even better...."How did you nickel-plate that?"

Nope, not plated. I have an old khuk, not HI, that is plated. It's amazing the high polish that steel will take.

I have a few junk ones that I have my students use that they can beat up even those are not I don't think I have ever seen one that was. Maybe if it was made from a Buick car bumper?????:rolleyes:
I have seen a few old ones that are plated, but never any new ones. I guess the near mirror finish may throw a few people, but even when I show mine to non knife people I have never had anyone ask if it was plated before.
I can probably guess why some people might say that. I've seen a few people with these fake khukuri-like objects that are covered in a kind of silver leaf... in one of the cases the steel beneath was rusted and pitted. Made me sad.