Is one of your EDC's an abused Blade??

Eric Isaacson

Dec 19, 1999
That is Abused blade, not abuse blade ;) I carry about 3 EDC's and one is set aside for abusive or dirty work. You know cutting radiator hoses, stripping wire.
My daily carry is generally a Kershaw Chive, Tom Anderson Custom and my Abused Blade is my Busse Assault Shaker. I carry it daily as a neck knife and that thing can handle anything I throw at it.
I also feel more secure knowing that I can't possibly damage it, so it is brought out for all the tough stuff.

It might not always look good but I keep it razor sharp, just in case. :D:D

So how about you, do you have one you don't mind abusing? ;)
I'm not into anything right now that requires much abuse, but I carry a Sebenza daily, lately a small, which I am determined to believe can do whatever I need done. :D

I like the idea of your using an Assault Shaker for this, though. So many people seem to feel their beater has to be a POS that they value lightly. I can't understand why they would use a knife on a rough job that could fold or fail on them. Your Busse is bombproof, and you know it will perform.
I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying the Anderson:D :D My abuse folders are a cold steel medium tanto voyager and a small douk douk. Both are tough and easy to sharpen.
That would be either my MOD CQ DD or one of my ATS-34 Gerber EZ- OUTS!

I like the idea of using a mega tough folder like the DD, a really strong knife. I simply won't trust a cheapo knife for rough stuff. My fingers cost rather a lot more than most knives...:rolleyes:
I think Esav and The General have said it. When the going is tough, you want your best "front-line-troops" out there with you. This, of course, would not include "art" type knives that are soley collectibles.
Yes, I am enjoying the Tom Anderson, been carrying everyday since I received it from you. :D:D:D It is certainly one stout knife. However, its too nice to subject it to some of the things that need cuttin ;)

I've always wondered why people buy $100-200 knives then use a $2 pakistanny piece of junk for their cutting needs. Buy one that will hold up, and use it...:D:D My AS fits just this role.
I, like The Gerneral, have an EZ Out that I have been attempting to destroy for quite some time. It has held up amazingly well for the abuse it has seen. I work as a mechanical contractor, and use this knife daily for all sorts of stuff, some of which would probably be filed under abusive. It just keeps going and going.
I used to carry a beater until recently. I had a beater and a custom and I was using the beater for everything. Then it occurred to me that having this exceptional tool is pointless unless I use it. So I have one more beater (except for my CRKT M16-03Z travel knife) that should soon be gone.
Then, I guess the question is: What happens when your expensive knife becomes trashed? I'm guessing that some of the makers might refurbish them or just keep using it until there's nothing left and then look at replacing it completely. Just personal preference.
My EDC is an ericcson Mora #1, and it's definitely an abused blade. I was pounding it through some kindling last year and didn't notice that I was pounding it into a hidden screw in the wood until it was too late. There's a nice perfectly hemi-circular dent in the blade about 1/2 way along the blade now, but that doesn't slow this knife down a bit. I use it for everything and it just won't die no matter how hard I abuse it. It's pried paint lids, chiselled out holes for doorknobs, cut open caulk tubes, cut lots of rope and line, whittled, carved, etc and it's still looking good and performing well.... There is no better knife than a Mora #1 especially when you consider that it only costs $8 retail!