Nothing pretentious about it, Bura IS the Royal kami of Nepal. When the king wants a khukuri his people go to Bura because he is the best. Now, as the best khukuris are made by kamis in Nepal, and Bura is the best of these, we can say that Bura is the best kami on the planet. Just don't say it to another kami
The other kamis at BirGorkha are darn close though; Sanu who has a gift for khukuris with gorgeous curves to them, Durba who is gaining a fan base here makes khuks so cleanly it is hard to believe that they were not CNC machined, Kesar who keeps it simple but puts alot of care into each and every blade, and the Kami with no name whom I don't know much about but his work shows serious skill. Forumites, if I missed anyone currently at BirGorkha please chime in with that info. Thanks
There are some old timers in the villages to whom (I expect)even Bura would differ. However, unlike us, they don't feel it's important who made the knife, so long as it's good. So, outside of the few we know about, these artisans of the forge are only known to the people of their village or region.
Each of HI's kamis is superb. If however,you want something really ornate or complicated to forge, then you'd want Bura or Sanu. Durba is gaining skill and experience and will be at that level soon enough as well. Like always this is my take on the situation, YMMV.