It never rains but it pours

Sep 25, 2002
I'm trying to squirrel aside enough money to get a GS and an AK or GRS while putting money towards rebuilding the front end on my '65 VW, about $400 if I do all the work myself. So last night my dog starts whining, very unlike her. Take her to the vet this morning, worried it might be hip displasia (sp?). It's not, but there is something wrong with her back. We get her back tomorrow and I'm $400 dollars poorer. On top of this the guy I work with is on vacation for the whole month so I'm doing the job of two people without scoring any OT. ARG! Sorry, had to vent somewhere. Gimme a day off and a hard cider and I'll be good as new.

Hang tough Frank, better days are coming. That you wasted no time getting your dog seen about tells me you got your head on square and your priorities straight. You'll probably need more than one hard cider since you're doing the work of two.

so Rook is our little girl. If you can call a 60lb Lab/Shar-Pei mix little. She gets priority. Next week wont be as busy as this week. My Baja can wait another week or two. Just got a little frazzled for a bit. Feel a lot better now. Thanks.

Originally posted by SilverFoxKnows
...a 60lb Lab/Shar-Pei mix...
Dr. Frank-enstein perhaps?

yikes...:eek: How exactly does this work?


Serious, though, my brother (the same one who lost his job last September) got hit with a monster vet bill on a lab puppy, the neighbors want to put it down, and...and... I'm sure you're all too familiar with this scenario...
I agree with Sarge. That you took care of your pet first speaks highly of your character. I think pets are God's angels in disguise sometimes. They are here to comfort us, amuse us, sometimes test us; we are obligated to their well being if we enter into that kind of a relationship. God be with you.
Hang in there, SilverFoxKnows, pets are worth the cost. My cat is starting to cost more than the Bionic Man.
With two big dogs in the yard it gets to be an expense sometimes to take care of all the little problems that come up but, If I lost my buddies I'm betting our house would be broken into the first time my Wife and I left the house for any length of time.

I take care of and love them and they take care of and love me and mom. Works out real well at this house.:) :D
What goes around.....we Buddhists call this karma.

Pet owners live longer and are healthier and usually happier than those who don't have pets.

Think about it.
she even jumped up on the bed by herself. Two nights ago I had to pick her up. The vet showed us the x-rays. Her hips and knees are great. Her back isn't too bad. For now it's a mild case. I have to keep reminding myself that she's six. She's not a puppy anymore.
